The word testament is both a legal and a theological term. It is legal in that we use it in our Last Will and Testament. It is theological in that it means a covenant between God and man. Let us use the definion of coventant as,
If you write a new will and testament the old one is negated. Nothing holds from the one that has been replaced. The new completely supersedes the old.
To what extent is this true in the Bible. To what extent does the New Testament, God's covenant to mankind through Christ, replace the Old Testament?
If the New Testament does not totally replace the Old Testament, what parts of the Old Testament remain in force? What parts of the Old Testament have been removed?
This question came to my mind as I was reading, Whose Bible Is It? A History of the Scriptures Through the Ages by Jaroslav Pelikan. I am thinking this question over in my mind and I see cans of worms regardless of the position taken on this topic.
the conditional promises made to humanity by god, as revealed in Scripture.
If you write a new will and testament the old one is negated. Nothing holds from the one that has been replaced. The new completely supersedes the old.
To what extent is this true in the Bible. To what extent does the New Testament, God's covenant to mankind through Christ, replace the Old Testament?
If the New Testament does not totally replace the Old Testament, what parts of the Old Testament remain in force? What parts of the Old Testament have been removed?
This question came to my mind as I was reading, Whose Bible Is It? A History of the Scriptures Through the Ages by Jaroslav Pelikan. I am thinking this question over in my mind and I see cans of worms regardless of the position taken on this topic.