That's because some of us realize what a disaster she would be as a president.
She won’t be great, but she will be better than Trump.
She will continue the advances Obama has made for various liberal agendas and the saddest part of this is...there are "Christians" who are going to vote for her.
And why?
Because there are Christians who are not so blinded by their hatred for Ms. Clinton that they can see that Mr. Trump is a menace to the Constitution and Christendom. He claims he wants to “help” Christians - explicitly violating the separation of church and state - which historically has been a disaster for the church. He wants to use the power of government to restrict activities of persons who adhere to an Islamic faith/tradition, which directly contradicts the intent of our Founders who specifically called out Muslims in their advocacy of religious liberty.
Why would anyone think it's okay to advance Islam, homosexuality, and abortion?
Ad hominem, false accusation and red herring.
As far as being frightened, that is true. It frightens me on a number of levels, the most serious being that many of these "Christians" are not Christians, they have been deceived by the world and are in full support of Satan's Agenda.
Ad hominem and false accusation.
It's your way of life as well.
His way of life is not mine. I am a Christian, a constitutionalist, and do not have a long history of being sued for fraud. I also have not spun up multiple businesses, filed for bankruptcy and left others holding the bills. I did have a business go bad, but we shut it down and paid our bills on time so that we were the only ones who lost money.
[Added to provide context for what comes below: “I oppose Islam but I do not oppose religious liberty. I do not advocate using the sword to restrict Islam, nor treat people differently on the basis of their religious heritage.”]
My, how fabulously magnanimous of you.
No, that is the Christian position and a Baptist position. I am astounded that you claim to be both Christian and Baptist and them oppose that position.
Was it religious heritage that drove two planes into the Twin Towers?
Nope. It was hatred and the desire for power, bolstered by a radical version of Islam. Religious liberty does not give sanction to criminal activity.
Is it religious liberty heritage that stood many Christians on a beach and cut their heads off?
Your sentence doesn’t make sense. Terrorists have killed many people, Muslims and Christians. Religious liberty does not give sanction to criminal activity.
Is it religious heritage that has seen the deaths of, according to the last stats I looked at in May, has killed 350 Christians because they were...Christians?
Obviously not. ISIS has killed many more Muslims than Christians, because they want people who will be compliant to their agenda. ISIS is not mainstream Islam at all.
Again, you don't know how silly you sound. That is not ad hominen (and we will get to that shortly), that is just a simple fact.
You are expressing an opinion, not fact, that has been formed out of ignorance and propaganda. The fact that what I say may sound foolish to you has no bearing on whether or not it is true. You need to consider that you may be profoundly wrong.
Let me tell you why: our Religious Heritage as Americans has always stood on the premise that forced religion is wrong.
Islam's religious heritage has always, from day one, stood on the premise of convert or die. World domination has always been the goal of Islam, and it still is.
That is a caricature, but Muhammad lived in a time when religion was used in that way (and it has through most ages of human history), and he merely appropriated that into his views.
The Roman Catholic Church and a number of Christian groups also used the power of the state to persecute those who did not fit their molds. This is a very old problem.
Radical Islam is an issue, but Islam itself is not a grave threat to our existence.
What you are saying is that you are willing to let people die, because you fear to impinge on their religious liberties.
That is insane.
Uh, no. You really don’t get it or else you are willingly trying to lay a false charge.
What you are advocating is religious persecution against people who are Muslim - whether or not they have any intention of harming anyone else - simply because you are afraid that they might be/become radicalized.
That’s actually a pretty good formula for creating radical Muslims - persecution radicalizes people.
You and Mr. Trump are wrongheadedly tossing aside the wisdom of the Constitution to make the problem worse - with the side effect of undermining religious freedom for everyone else.
YOUR NEXT POST - I pointed out how skilled you were in the use of the ad hominem and you responded:
Its not ad hominem, it is simply a statement of fact. You don't really want to argue psycho-babble with me, my friend…
It’s not “psycho-babble” it is a logical fallacy. Logical fallacies are common irrational arguments used in discourse that are not valid, or off topic, that are used to try to manipulate others. It is imperative for Christians to avoid logical fallacies when presenting rational arguments (just like Jesus did) because the use of them reveals that what you say is either invalid, dishonest, or both invalid and dishonest in the way it is presented.
Debaters tend to use logical fallacies all of the time because it is a cheap and easy way to manipulate the audience with technique instead of presenting knowledge and truth.
I am stunned that you think it is “psycho-babble.” Since you are unfamiliar with it, I suggested reading up on it if you aspire to represent Christ before others.
Here’s a poster of some of the major ones.
Here is a more comprehensive list.
...because you are not even of the level of the average atheist in debate...
You intended that as an insult, but I am quite pleased that you noticed. You don’t really know how good of a debater I am since I am NOT debating you. I don’t debate people anymore because debates are about “winning” arguments and ego, not discovering truth. I believe in persuasion, but not manipulation. I believe in helping people think, not telling them what to think. I believe the teaching of Jesus is true, so I just need to present that as helpfully and clearly as possible. Defeating someone in a debate does not make them a convert - it hardens them. “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” My job is not to harden people, but to work in concert with the Spirit for the kingdom. employing their defense tactics will, I assure you...not go very well for you.
Noting your logical fallacies is not an “atheist” tactic anymore than having breakfast every morning is an “atheist” ritual. Over thousands of years, thinkers have recognized a number of logical fallacies and have pointed them out to each other. It is part of the philosophical search for truth. Of course, reason can also be employed in rebellion against God, but not without violating those logical fallacies.
Learning about logical fallacies is one of the most valuable training you can have as a thought leader. Please check into it.
Also, I don’t appreciate your threat, “I assure you...not go very well for you.” Anyone who has a trained mind can see right through you novel-like missives. They are full of hot air and accusations. While people may get tired of responding, you have not won anything except a battle of endurance.
You are a fan of Obama's policy, are a supporter of his policies.
Massive ad hominem. Two lies for the price of one!
That includes Abortion, Homosexuality, and the rise of Islam.
Massive ad hominem. Three lies in a row!
Apparently you spend your time finding negative things to say about Trump, digging through propaganda…
Ad hominem. I really don’t. The things I know about Trump I have found on HIS website and from his speeches - in context. He is spouting propaganda, but I’m getting it from the source.
…so you can help support Obama's policies…
Ad hominem. You really want to paint me as an Obama supporter! Do you somehow thing that will make what you say more true? I do not support Obama or his policies, and I never have.
...which will no doubt be carried on through hillary Clinton.
The Clintons have been more centrist than Obama, but I’m not looking forward to another Clinton Presidency.
The saddest thing is that you are not even aware that you are doing so.
That saddest thing is that you may actually believe the lies you are telling.
I have to go to work now and won’t have time to respond to any more of your foolishness for awhile. If you decide to respond, take note of what I have said. Stop the ad hominems and the false accusations and maybe we can have a good discussion.