I really don't care how the Jew looks at God's word or what they believe about it. Most of their tenure with God they were in rebellion against Him and they could not figure out who their Messiah was when He was in their mist.
Tell me what part of the judicial law of God do you believe would go against God's will or bring evil on a nation?
Jesus applies the 10 commandments to the kingdom of God in the Sermon on the Mount. The kingdom of God is the Church. He does not apply it to the Roman Government or government at all, but to the church.
To that, I believe that the 10 commandments were applied to the church in a meaningful and special way. In Exodus 20, the commandments were given to a theocracy, Israel. This was both a state and a religion. Thus, this laid the foundation of the Church and all of God's people and while there are overlaps, you cannot assume any of them were applied to the state for legislation. However, while God will apply judgment to other nations because of the 10 commandments, Jesus showed these are still in force in God's kingdom, His Church. He never applied them to the State.
Thus, we must assume that the state, while it may have overlap, may not necessarily hold to the 10 commandments. We cannot automatically apply all the commandments to the state, Jesus clearly meant it for the kingdom of God (unless you take a Roman Catholic view of the state and church, I do not see this as being applicable).
Baptists historically desired for a smaller state and to be left alone. They even desired for freedom for atheists, many fought for such freedom. They saw a distinction between the kingdom of God and the state and wished to protect even those they disagreed with, those they believed were immoral.
God will apply this kingdom at the end times in a new theocracy when He brings in His kingdom, but right now the kingdom is the Church, not the state. To assume all the moral law applies to the State is not found in Scripture anywhere and must be assumed.
So, where do we get a theology of the state? The responsibility throughout Scripture is that the state is to protect the citizens and that it hopes we can live at peace with the state. The state is limited where the church begins (as Baptists stated) and vice versa. The State is limited where the family begins and vice versa. There is much written on this subject, but to boil it down, they should protect us and keep us, but they should not dictate to us a theocracy like Israel.
I oppose your moralism imposed by the state. While I did outline what I thought the state should regulate, I showed I am not an antinomian, but a Baptist. I also oppose moralism by showing that the state's inacting of moral code will not help our country any. Rather, moralism will destroy a country just as much as libertinism. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only message that will save.
You are the flip side of the emergent church. They hope to save the world through a moralistic code of social action. They input this into the government. When I oppose them I oppose them just as I do you. You hope to make this a "better society" through moralism that forces a stand against immoralism by using the state. The emergents cite Jesus' call to a compassionate ministry and caring for the poor and applies this to the state. Moralists cite a moral code and applies it to the state. Both should apply the Gospel to the Church which results in holy living and compassion ministries. Both are wrong and both applies a law to the state that will destroy more than point people to Christ.
Moralism without the Gospel, is an extremely destructive force. Thus, limiting government's role will help the church to flourish as it provides more clearly the only hope for mankind. Moralism makes people think they are good without the need of the Gospel.