But only when it is convenient to your biases do you follow your stated guidelines. We (Christians) all make our judgments/decisions on morals and on whether or not to support and/or impose those morals values in/on society based on our Christian principles and beliefs and use the government to enforce them. We vote etc. You make excuses for not imposing moral laws and values on society, by the use of these governmental laws (as if this doesn't exist, again only when it is convenient to your biased opinions do you follow your guidelines), and in fact will ("throw out morality") when it suits your cause which you only then site and fall back on your "philosophical position". I have based my argument presenting your weaseling tactics on your stated standards which you will selectively use to support your position on homosexuality and despite your intellectual dishonesty and smokecreening in this matter have shown this to be logically true therefore my point has been made.
Your selective too. DO you advocate all the moral law? Do you want to criminalize two 15 year olds who have premarital sex or petting? Do you want to criminalize people who worship other Gods? If not, you are selective too, you choose.
I gave you my rationale for choosing such. If you are selective, give me yours.