He also creates vessels of wrath prepared for destruction. Romans 9
Perhaps you can explain how your word "creates" came from:
22What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has
endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction,
23in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory—
24even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?"
Certainly, in the earlier verses, God creates vessels but the vessels are created out of the same lump of clay. From that single clay lump (sin filled clay) He forms vessels of honor and dishonor. Do you not remember that it is speaking of the value and how vessels are appraised?
God does not make vessels of dishonor from a different mixture of clay, but of the same dust in which Adam and Eve were created.
All have sinned. God selected from the all those that He purposed to be redeemed. From all destined to eternal separation, He purposed to re-destine to eternal association.
This is a bit off topic, but relates to the general thinking of good, evil, and destiny:
The modernists and psychologists consider the factors that twist the human into all manner of Evil. Generally, they reject one born is conformed to sinfulness (born in sin). So, because the world system imposes itself of the thinking of the typical human, a certain rejection of born condemned is seen.
Hence, the formation of the thinking of a certain time of safety, in which a child is considered "innocent" until there is that awakening that sin is sin. I hold that thinking.
But there are those that do not. They call for Baptism even at the first breath for the infant.
Prior to the Renaissance, if the woman died in childbirth, the midwives would cut the child out of the body to see if it would take a breath, waiting with the sacred water in hand to quickly put it on the child before it died. Strange it is that the church at that time actually (because men were not allowed in the birthing rooms) had a certain dispensation that a midwife could baptize a baby in an emergency.