This is true.From man's perspective, there was a choice.
God was not responsible for their sin ( James 1:12-15 ).
It is true that "Eve gave in" but she was told by God she was tricked. Her being deceived did not carry the sting of the rebellion of Adam.Look at what happened here ( Genesis 3:6 )...was not Eve tempted, gave in, and gave to Adam?
There was a choice...they flubbed it; As would any of us in their place.
Now their descendants ( us ) only choose to sin, and continually, apart from the grace and mercy of God.
That is why sin came into the world through Adam, not through Eve.
Ultimately, sin came, but all sin is formed in rebellion, not trickery.
Speculating that we all would have made the same choice as Adam is perhaps debatable, but such opposition would ultimately fail because "in Adam all die." That is we all were part of the rebellion as part (DNA?) of the first.
From God's perspective?
The choice was already planned for.
Knowing they would sin when tested, did not make it any less certain.
That is why I believe in both "passive decree" and "active decree".
This is a good point. Do not the Scriptures state that The Lake of Fire was prepared for the devil and his angels? Was original man to be included?
I raise this question, because man was not included in the statement of the reason for the preparation.
Would that not have impacted the decree statement?
Perhaps not, for "You shall surely die" is the decree given to man.
Therefore, the only decree actually came as an if/then statement.
So, does "knowing they would sin when tested" make the test invalid? Is God righteous in presenting a standard in which testing demonstrates is unachievable and therefore unrighteous?
Does not the Scripture answer such by stating, "While we were yet (still) sinners, Christ died for us"?
They are not here.
God has barred access to them for now, and at least one of them will be made available to God's children here ( Revelation 22:1-2 ).
" The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies." ( Psalms 58:3 )
Very good.