I have believed it to be all and world, not the world man sees it as but as God sees the world, all my life from the beginning and I do pray that God will continue the hope He gave me through His word. It is simple who the elect are, it is those who trust in the Lord. God said Himself that He will keep the meek and humble who will trust in the Lord. He also said He will hide the truth from the wise and learned. Those who lean on their own understanding.
It is obvious who they are, those who are in Jesus, and it is in Jesus who was chosen before the foundation of the world. God isn't making some random choice.
This doesn't happen until Jesus is glorified, so before the cross and Him being lifted up God choose messengers to seek men to tell them of the one to come our righteousness and seek out the the elect. Since no one seeks God and no one is good , no one is righteous, they are sinners the one's who Jesus came to be save.
When Jesus is lifted up He will draw all men and since all authority has been given to Him, the only one's who will come are those who listen and learn from Him.