I would disagree that it is permissible to take an intoxicant (exception noted).
On what basis? Scripture? Baptist tradition? your own reasoning?
Lets go ahead and get philosophical (and I will lose) what the heck. Since this debate is clearly not God's revealed thoughts on the matter lets have fun
What is an intoxicant?
What is the purpose for intoxicants being a no no?
Are there any intoxicants permissible such as given by worldly doctors or leagalized drugs? Why are they allowed to do this and override God on the issue?
Let's say someone does find it ok to drink under self control. They have 2 glasses of wine over the span of 2 hours. No intoxication experienced at all. What is it about the wine that is so bad that we can't take it? Why is it ok then to drink and not ok now? Why didn't Jesus rebuke the disciples for drinking wine if it is such a big deal? Are you sure Jesus didn't even sip wine?
It is a matter of teaching that the Godly man does not sit at the seat of the scornful (wine is a mocker) and does not walk and stands in the way of the ungodly sinners (strong drink is raging).
You are taking Scripture here and twisting it. Don't take this to be confrontational or challenging in a way that you feel you need to defend yourself by finding more Scripture you have not yet found to back you up.
Your quotations:
Proverbs 20: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler,
And whoever is intoxicated by it is not wise.
Psalm 1: "How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!"
You have made an assumption drawn from Proverbs that wine in and of itself is the issue when there are various passages that reveal it is not the issue. It is like saying money is the root of all evil when indeed it isn't. The heart is the issue not the physical element unless it causes a lack of self-control or something similar. Drugs clearly do this, alcohol does not unless abused.
You are determining the point of the Proverb based on your view rather than Scripture. The point in the proverb is in the parrallel line below "intoxication is unwise" showing that the second thought comes from the first thought which tells us intoxication leads to mocking and brawls, not the wine in moderation.
Psalm 1 with Proverbs 20 added into it is a proof text with your modification to back your position. We all do this, but it isn't advised unless you do not want to learn God's word for what it is, then do what you want with it. Psalm 1, as you know, simply contrasts the righteous from the wicked in that the righteous do not act like the wicked by living in sin against God, but rather they verses 2-3, then verses 4-5 explains the wicked, then verse 6 ends the psalm
Here is a passage for you to deal with: Deut 14:26 and psalm 104:14-15
Isaiah cried out against the priestly line who got to drinking so often that it was as bad as a sorority beer party. Look further in that passage for the rebuke and solution by God.
Secondly, there is a matter of separation unto God. That hasn't been considered in this thread.
To you defense, it is clear that wine and other forms of alcohol can be dangerous. This does not mean we can make a command out of it and tell everyone they are wrong for drinking (which I am not sure if that is your belief or not). Clearly there are Proverbs from Kings who testify to how it can ruin the throne (if it becomes out of control), Isaiah's people abusing it, and of course there are Nazarite vows against it (which don't apply to everyone). The New Testament commands against abuse of alcohol, but doesn't say drinking in moderation is a sin. It has been quoted that Jesus in John 2 made wine, why do that if it is a sin to drink it? Did Jesus tempt people here? Do the protests in Luke 7 from Jewish leadership that said John abstained but Jesus didn't imply Jesus has a drink here and there?
I also will credit the fact that I would rather someone not drink that drink. Yet, for me having a drink with friends is a great opportunity to converse and even prevent my heart from being legalistic at times. I rarely have a drink and I have never suffered with an addiction to alcohol. I have struggled with materialism majorly throughout my life? Do you drive a nice car, that tempts me greatly

I hope that helps clear up my thoughts and the majority of others thoughts on here.