Active Member
A blind man walks into a bar...
...and after managing to find himself an empty seat at the bar he orders a pint.
Bartender fills the pint and as it is being placed in front of the blind man says, "hey Bartender, wanna hear a dumb blonde girl joke?"
Bar goes silent.
"Hey man," the Bartender says, "you're blind so there is a few things you should know before you tell your joke. You are in a Lesbian bar, the only one in town actually, and many of us are blonde. I am blonde. Sid the biker chick next to you is blonde and so is her girlfriend. The bouncer is also blonde along with the 2 chicks behind you playing pool. Do you really want to tell that joke?"
"Nah, you're right." says the blind man, "I would have to explain it too many times."
What do you call a cow that eats your grass?
A lawn moo-er.
Why do seagulls live by the sea?
Because if they lived by the bay, they’d be bagels!
Yes!We should outlaw all DD214's, and all dangerous weapons!
What’s the most terrifying word in nuclear physics?
...and after managing to find himself an empty seat at the bar he orders a pint.
Bartender fills the pint and as it is being placed in front of the blind man says, "hey Bartender, wanna hear a dumb blonde girl joke?"
Bar goes silent.
"Hey man," the Bartender says, "you're blind so there is a few things you should know before you tell your joke. You are in a Lesbian bar, the only one in town actually, and many of us are blonde. I am blonde. Sid the biker chick next to you is blonde and so is her girlfriend. The bouncer is also blonde along with the 2 chicks behind you playing pool. Do you really want to tell that joke?"
"Nah, you're right." says the blind man, "I would have to explain it too many times."
What do you call a cow that eats your grass?
A lawn moo-er.
Why do seagulls live by the sea?
Because if they lived by the bay, they’d be bagels!

Yes!We should outlaw all DD214's, and all dangerous weapons!
What’s the most terrifying word in nuclear physics?