So you go home and you never open a newspaper, or watch TV, or listen to the radio? You fully insulate yourself from the world? I agree that we should be separate from the world, but I guarantee that our ideas of separation are different. I've known lots of D&D players (yeah, I was and still am a nerd :smilewinkgrin
and not a single one of them holds to "satanic" beliefs. The vast majority of them regularly attend church.
The thing is, evangelist,
you have decided that certain things are "satanic" without actually talking to people who have done those things. Bit of a judgment on your part, there. Do you consider
Monopoly to be "satanic," since it deals with money-changing and the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil?
As an exercise in correlation...I had a Pastor once who told me that the Lord convicted him of watching a certain TV show (Monday night wrestling), because it was interfering with his time with the Lord. I was not under the same conviction, even though I often watched the same show. Should I have stopped watching just because he did?