No, the choice of analogy demands it! He could have chosen an analogy that was developmental rather than one that is fixed by nature. However, he did not. He intentional chose an analogy that NATURE is the cause of the impossibility.
This is an unwarranted assumption sir. I am sorry, but we have no way of knowing that this is the case. What "developmental" analogy would you have used? All analogies DO by definition, and by default, ultimately break down. Therefore, the analogy does not describe the ultimate conclusory point in ALL details. The detail missing in Jeremiah's analogy, is that
some are as they are by nature, and
others by "reason of use". His point was well taken, and you understood it, and it was about the IMPOSSIBILITY of those who are utterly depraved to change themselves outside of the grace of God. But this verse does not warrant ANY claim about the sinner being as he is by nature. It says what it says...that they are ACCUSTOMED to sin, or do you deny God's Word?
It does not break down at that point except in YOUR THEOLOGY.
I wonder if you know what one means when they say an analogy... "breaks down" seem not to....and you are false when you speak of "My Theology" I have already stated on this thread, that I remain an adherent of the doctrine of Original Sin as you do....I am simply unwilling to support my claims dishonestly.
The analogy is consistent all the way through.
You must explain what "consistency" means as referencing an analogy. I don't know what this means.
The overall context of scripture reinforces that truth from the oldest scriptures (Job 14:1-4; 15:14-16) right into the New Testament (Jn. 3:17-18; Rom. 5:15-19; 8:7; 1 Cor. 2:14). Humans are born in "unbelief" (Jn. 3:17-18) and "UNDER SIN" (Rom. 3:9) and therefore from birth are subject to condemnation due to sin which is death!
This statement here is the proof that you are super-imposing your Theological pre-suppositions upon this verse rather than exegeting it for what it says as any actual "Biblicist" would.....I am already....for perhaps the reasons you have stated, an adherent of Original Sin, and it is in large part because of the passages you cite here...But you are forcing these Scriptures onto the back of this verse, and it is unwarranted. The verse clearly states what it states...and what it states is that the sinner is no more capable of altering his own wicked bent (because he
is accustomed to it) than is the leopard capable of changing his spots or the Ethiopian his skin. This is not hard to understand.
They are "accustomed" to evil because they are born with a fallen nature
THAT MAY BE TRUE!!! And for the 53rd time....I have yet to deny that!!! But the verse is simply SILENT as to whether they are that way "by nature" or not!! THIS VERSE, simply compounds the condemnation of the sinner by speaking of his "growing accustomed" to wickedness....that is all it is not a verse which gives us a total end-all-be-all of Hamartiology...It does not claim to. You, again, seem to think that my clearly stated exposition of this passage somehow threatens the truth of this Original Sin dogma that you hold so dear...It doesn't. And it is not contradictory to it either.
which is evil and as soon as they be born they demonstrate that evil nature! You do not need to teach children to do evil because they are born with a nature that is evil and manifests itself as soon as they are born.
O.K. Fine....but does it not
ALSO stand to reason that if they are in fact BORN with said nature, that they
also will consistently and repeatedly compound the problem by growing accustomed to repeated wickedness as well? are obviously and shamelessly adding to this verse more than it states...It is only two sentences says what it says...and it does NOT contradict the notion of Original Sin which you hold so dear....It simply does not
PROVE it either...