Yea I get it was in the manifesto he quoted something without sourcing it. First that is plagiarism and second I wanted to see it for myself.
Part 2
Main gun: AK47 (WASR 10) – I realized pretty quickly that this isn’t a great choice since it’s the civilian
version of the ak47. It’s not designed to shoot rounds quickly, so it overheats massively after about 100
shots fired in quick succession. I’ll have to use a heat-resistant glove to get around this.
8m3 bullet: This bullet, unlike pretty much any other 7.62x39 bullet, actually fragments like a pistol
hollow point when shot out of an ak47 at the cost of penetration. Penetration is still reasonable, but not
nearly as high as a normal ak47 bullet. The ak47 is definitely a bad choice without this bullet design, and
may still be with it.
Other gun(if I get one): Ar15 – Pretty much any variation of this gun doesn’t heat up nearly as fast as the
AK47. The round of this gun isn’t designed to fragment, but instead tumbles inside a target causing
lethal wounding. This gun is probably better, but I wanted to explore different options. The ar15 is
probably the best gun for military applications but this isn’t a military application.
This will be a test of which is more lethal, either it’s fragmentation or tumbling.
I didn’t spend much time at all preparing for this attack. Maybe a month, probably less. I have do this
before I lose my nerve. I figured that an under-prepared attack and a meh manifesto is better than no
attack and no manifesto
Statistically, millions of migrants have returned to their home countries to reunite with the family they
lost contact with when they moved to America. They come here as economic immigrants, not for asylum
reasons. This is an encouraging sign that the Hispanic population is willing to return to their home
countries if given the right incentive. An incentive that myself and many other patriotic Americans will
provide. This will remove the threat of the Hispanic voting bloc which will make up for the loss of
millions of baby boomers. This will also make the elites that run corporations realize that it’s not in their
interest to continue piss off Americans. Corporate America doesn’t need to be destroyed, but just
shown that they are on the wrong side of history. That if they don’t bend, they will break.
Personal Reasons and Thoughts
My whole life I have been preparing for a future that currently doesn’t exist. The job of my dreams will
likely be automated. Hispanics will take control of the local and state government of my beloved Texas,
changing policy to better suit their needs. They will turn Texas into an instrument of a political coup
which will hasten the destruction of our country. The environment is getting worse by the year. If you
take nothing else from this document, remember this: INACTION IS A CHOICE. I can no longer bear the
shame of inaction knowing that our founding fathers have endowed me with the rights needed to save
our country from the brink destruction. Our European comrades don’t have the gun rights needed to
repel the millions of invaders that plaque their country. They have no choice but to sit by and watch
their countries burn.
America can only be destroyed from the inside-out. If our country falls, it will be the fault of traitors. This
is why I see my actions as faultless. Because this isn’t an act of imperialism but an act of preservation.
America is full of hypocrites who will blast my actions as the sole result of racism and hatred of other
countries, despite the extensive evidence of all the problems these invaders cause and will cause.
People who are hypocrites because they support imperialistic wars that have caused the loss of tens of
thousands of American lives and untold numbers of civilian lives. The argument that mass murder is
okay when it is state sanctioned is absurd. Our government has killed a whole lot more people for a
whole lot less.
Even if other non-immigrant targets would have a greater impact, I can’t bring myself to kill my fellow
Americans. Even the Americans that seem hell-bent on destroying our country. Even if they are
shameless race mixers, massive polluters, haters of our collective values, etc. One day they will see error
of their ways. Either when American patriots fail to reform our country and it collapses or when we save
it. But they will see the error of their ways. I promise y’all that.
I am against race mixing because it destroys genetic diversity and creates identity problems. Also
because it’s completely unnecessary and selfish. 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics form interracial unions
at much higher rates than average. Yet another reason to send them back. Cultural and racial diversity is
largely temporary. Cultural diversity diminishes as stronger and/or more appealing cultures overtake
weaker and/or undesirable ones. Racial diversity will disappear as either race mixing or genocide will
take place. But the idea of deporting or murdering all non-white Americans is horrific. Many have been
here at least as long as the whites, and have done as much to build our country. The best solution to this
for now would be to divide America into a confederacy of territories with at least 1 territory for each
race. This physical separation would nearly eliminate race mixing and improve social unity by granting
each race self-determination within their respective territory(s).
My death is likely inevitable. If I’m not killed by the police, then I’ll probably be gunned down by one of
the invaders. Capture in this case if far worse than dying during the shooting because I’ll get the death
penalty anyway. Worse still is that I would live knowing that my family despises me. This is why I’m not
going to surrender even if I run out of ammo. If I’m captured, it will be because I was subdued somehow.
Remember: it is not cowardly to pick low hanging fruit. AKA Don’t attack heavily guarded areas to fulfill
your super soldier COD fantasy. Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security
guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life
on an unnecessarily dangerous target. If a target seems too hot, live to fight another day.
My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest
predate Trump and his campaign for president. I putting this here because some people will blame the
President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media
will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous
for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.
Many people think that the fight for America is already lost. They couldn’t be more wrong. This is just
the beginning of the fight for America and Europe. I am honored to head the fight to reclaim my country
from destruction."