The way I view it, Calvinism describes sinful man's condition before a Holy God (TULIP). Covenant (reformed) theology or dispensationalism are methods (or tools) for interpreting the Bible. It is therefore possible to be dispensational and a Calvinist or Arminian, same would apply to Covenantial thinking. However it is not possible to be dispensational and not pre-mil, nor is it possible to be A-mill or Post-Mill without being Covenantial. A major deciding factor being is the Church today in an exclusive covenant relationship with Jehovah and has the Church either replaced Israel as a Covenant people or has Jehovah terminated his covenants with the Jews.
Covenant theology teaches 3 covenants throughout the human experience, the covenant of works, redemption and grace. My question to you is where does the Bible teach any of the three covenants. Jehovah is certainly capable of making a covenant, if you study the covenant God make with Abraham you will see the pattern, two parties with terms and conditions. A search of the Covenant of Grace in the Bible is a frustrating experience. True, we are saved by God's grace but where is there a covenant of grace?
The New Covenant Jesus spoke about is defined in Jer ch 31. Study that passage of scripture and try to make the church as we know it fit the description. If you say the church meets the Jer 31 description then you can call yourself a covenant theologian. If you find that what Jer 31 describes is not realized in the church then you may consider that the enactment of that covenant is future, which means that the Kingdom of Christ is future.
There are smart Roman Catholics, does their smartness make them correct? There are smart reformed and dispensational thinkers, someone has to be wrong, agree? How then do you determine who is right? Do you read a passage of scripture and accept what your favorite scholar thinks or what the reformers of the 16th century believed or do you allow the plain meaning of the words of the Scriptures with the Holy Spirit direct your faith? That is the question my friend.