If I may offer a slight correction -
receiving is placed before the new birth in
John 1:11-13. Receiving has no power to birth us, so the birth is not "of" the one who wills or earnestly desires (cf.
Romans 9:16). It is entirely and completely "of" the will of a merciful God that those who receive Christ are regenerated.
If you read the passage carefully, i think you'll see two groups objectively identified...
Those that did not receive him, and those that did.
The truth is, we're not directly told
why they received Him in this passage, only that those who did were born of God.
But John 6 has something to say about why people come to Him and why they do not...
Because it must be given to someone to come to Him ( John 6:65 ), and according to John 17:2, Christ will only give the gift of eternal life to those who were given to Him by His Father.
God is the potter, and we are the clay, my friend ( Romans 9:14-24 ).
Receiving by faith is declared by God to be not works and not meritorious, therefore even a fallen and spiritually dead man can do it.
I'm sorry, but I disagree.
Christ makes us alive, we do not cooperate with Him in His work of saving us.
I would further commend to your attention the preceding context of your citation, which says John the Baptist came to bear witness to the Light so that all might believe (v7), the "true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man" (v9).
Thank you, I'm well aware of that passage.
I'm sorry, but again it seems that you and I understand the Bible almost completely different:
For example,
I don't see it saying that He ENlightens every man...it says "lights" or "lighteth", in that He casts the light of truth on us ( please see 1 Corinthians 4:5 )...
That light is the truth about our sin, even though we refuse to repent ( Romans 1:18-32, Romans 3:10-18, John 3:19-20 ).
Christ says that the world hates Him and it has no cloak for it's sin ( John 15:18-23 )....
It's that hatred and refusal to repent and seek reconciliation without His help that is described as being "dead in trespasses and sins", despite the light of truth.
Also, If Christ
enlightens ( reveals Himself to )
every man, as Ephesians 1:17-18 says about believers, then we have universal salvation.
Instead, He reveals Himself to whosoever He pleases ( Matthew 11:25-27 ).
Good evening to you, sir.