This is melodramatic.Yeah, just let the let the weak die off, the strong will survive.
No sense in slowing the virus down to give time for therapeutics and a vaccine to be developed, no purpose to that at all. The more that get infected the merrier! 100 million, 200 million, …heck we probably wouldn’t lose more than 10%. A good percentage will hardly have any symptoms.
Not much chance of therapeutics or a vaccine anyway so we’re just prolonging the inevitable and a second wave, yeah, that’s my thinking, sorry but Grandma, and the other little weaklings are expendable when it comes to me losing money and having to be in lockdown.
No doubt the best course is to ignore our government’s top experts and oppose their plan, listen to the Youtube experts, the government shouldn't have any power to ...well...govern this situation – its every man for himself! Let nature take its course, that is God’s will, it only natural, hallelujah and Happy Easter!
Side note--do we as Christians really believe that The Lord Jesus has the keys of death and Hades? Not saying we act foolishly, but do we really believe that God can preserve life if He chooses? .