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It's easy to produce a long list of Biblical scholars who support the early (pre-AD 70) dating of Revelation. We look at internal and external evidence for the dating of Revelation. The strongest external dating is a quote from Iraneaus, but that quote is not very clear. Iraneaus also said that Jesus's ministry lasted 15 years and that He was 50 when He was crucified.Not really. Preterists try to make this case, but I've not heard a good argument yet, from historical quotes. Even if they did, the magnitude of the tribulation precludes fulfillment in one tiny location for a brief time. Anyone reading Revelation can see John is describing a worldwide tribulation.
Internal evidence - Just off the top of my head, here are some facts that support this view: the Temple is still standing in John's vision; the 6th King is obviously Nero; the 42 months fits the Jewish War (AD 66-70).
Futurists make the claim that Revelation is about a worldwide tribulation. A careful study of the book, along with the Olivet Discourse and other passages, shows that the majority of the prophecies are very specific to Jerusalem. On the other hand, the case that this refers to a worldwide event 2,000 years in the future is weak.