With all those passages, I can't accuse you of not providing Scripture to make your point

. I'm not quite sure what point you were trying to make with the first 9 passages. Israel was multiplied and ultimately glorified when the Messiah came from their line.
Points 1 and 2 are related, so I will address them together. 1948 did NOT see a prophecy fulfilled. Ezekiel 37's "dry bones" prophecy was fulfilled when Israel returned after the 70 year captivity (see Ezra & Nehemiah). While Isaiah 11:11-12 is often interpreted as being fulfilled in 1948, I don't believe that is the case. This more likely points to Judah's return from exile that we see in Ezra & Nehemiah (see 2 Samuel 7:10). Likewise, the Jeremiah passage may refer to the return from exile.
Deuteronomy 29:22-28 is a reference to the Assyrian captivity of Judah. Of course, Judah did return from captivity.
Backing up to Ezekiel 36, this is not a prophecy of Israel becoming a nation. Rather, this is a promise of cleansing and healing (v. 25). Modern Israel is largely atheistic. (I believe that Tel Aviv has the largest homosexual population in the world.) Why would God bless them? God did not restore the land as a reward for unbelief.
I haven't gone through "part 2" yet.