Originally posted by Scott J:
It has also been hard for evolutionists to imagine an environment that could have created viable DNA from base elements... but they are sure that one existed somehow.
Or maybe it has not been so hard. A few recent updates for you. (BTW, I am going over the top here. It is deliberate. You claim that they don't know how life started and that there are no good theories about how to get life started. Well here is an abundance of recent material. I understand that you may not be familar with it. I'm not very familar with it. But you should know that it is there. And unless you have a source that can refute the claims that are made by all these different sources I am providing, then you no longer have a basis for making this claim. YOu have been given the opportunity to learn. I tire of the common YE tactic of claiming that something is unknown for which there is abundant knowledge.)
That will get you started. Next, you might want to go to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Here are the results you get if you search with "origin of life". I got 153 hits. The second one was
Shelley D. Copley, Eric Smith, and Harold J. Morowitz, A mechanism for the association of amino acids with their codons and the origin of the genetic code, PNAS 2005 102: 4442-4447.
That one sounds intruiging. I am sure you can find other keywords to search under that will yield more information of how they think it all got started.
Once through with that, I have some more papers for you to look up and go through. I'll organize them by topic for you.
A) Composition of the early atmosphere
Genda, Hidenori & Abe, Yutaka
2003 “Survival of a proto-atmosphere through the stage of giant impacts: the mechanical
aspects” Icarus 164, 149-162 (2003).
Holland, Heinrich D.
1984 The Chemical Evolution of the Atmoshphere and Oceans, Princeton Series in
Geochemistry Princeton University Press
Holland, Heinrich D.
1999 “When did the Earth’s atmosphere become oxic? A Reply.” The Geochemical
News #100: 20-22 (see Ohmoto 1997 )
Kasting, J. F., J. L. Siefert,
2002 “Life and the Evolution of Earth's Atmosphere” Science 296:1066
Pepin, R. O.
1997 Evolution of Earth's Noble Gases: Consequences of Assuming Hydrodynamic Loss
Driven by Giant Impact Icarus 126, 148-156 (1997).
Rosing, Minik T. and Robert Frei
2003 U-rich Archaean sea-floor sediments from Greenland – indications of >3700 Ma
oxygenic photosynthesis" Earth and Planetary Science Letters, online 6 December 03
B) Formation of the first organic molecules
Amend, J. P. , E. L. Shock
1998 “Energetics of Amino Acid Synthesis in Hydrothermal Ecosystems” Science
Volume 281, number 5383, Issue of 11 Sep , pp. 1659-1662.
Blank, J.G. Gregory H. Miller, Michael J. Ahrens, Randall E. Winans
2001 “Experimental shock chemistry of aqueous amino acid solutions and the cometary
delivery of prebiotic compounds” Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere
31(1-2):15-51, Feb-Apr
Chyba, Christopher F., Paul J. Thomas, Leigh Brookshaw, Carl Sagan
1990 "Cometary Delivery of Organic Molecules to the Early Earth" Science Vol.
Engel, Michael H., Bartholomew Nagy,
1982 "Distribution and Enantiomeric Composition of Amino Acids in the Murchison
Meteorite", Nature , 296, April 29, , p. 838.
Matthews CN.
1992 Hydrogen cyanide polymerization: a preferred cosmochemical pathway. J. Br.
Interplanet Soc. 45(1):43-8
Schoonen, Martin A. A., Yong Xu
2001 “Nitrogen Reduction Under Hydrothrmal Vent Conditions: Implications for the
Prebiotic Synthesis of C-H-O-N Compounds” Astrobiology 1:133-142
Miller, Stanley L.,
1953 “A Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions” Science
vol. 117:528-529
Miller, Stanley, Harold C. Urey
1959 “Organic Compound Synthesis on the Primitive Earth” Science vol 139 Num 3370:
Weber AL.
1997 Prebiotic amino acid thioester synthesis: thiol-dependent amino acid synthesis from
formose substrates (formaldehyde and glycolaldehyde) and ammonia. Origins of Life and
Evolution of the Biosphere 28: 259-270.
Cooper, George, Novelle Kimmich, Warren Belisle, Josh Sarinana, Katrina Brabham,
Laurence Garrel
2001 Carbonaceous meteorites as a source of sugar-related organic compounds for the
early Earth Nature 414, 879 - 883 (20 Dec 2001) Letters to Nature
Cody, George D., Nabil Z. Boctor, Timothy R. Filley, Robert M. Hazen, James H. Scott,
Anurag Sharma, Hatten S. Yoder Jr.
2000 “Primordial Carbonylated Iron-Sulfur Compounds and the Synthesis of Pyruvate”
Science v.289 : 1337-1340
Sephton, Mark A.
2001 Meteoritics: Life's sweet beginnings? Nature 414, 857 - 858 (20 Dec ) News and
Ricardo, A., Carrigan, M. A., Olcott, A. N., Benner, S. A.
2004 "Borate Minerals Stabilize Ribose" Science January 9; 303: 196 (in Brevia)
Lazcano, Antonio, Stanley L. Miller
1996 “The Origin and Early Evolution of Life: Prebiotic Chemistry, the Pre-RNA World,
and Time” Cell vol 85:793-798
Nelson, K. E., M. Levy, S. L. Miller
2000 “Peptide nucleic acids rather than RNA may have been the first genetic molecule”
PNAS-USA v.97, 3868-3871
Fuller, W. D., Sanchez, R. A. & Orgel, L. E. Studies in prebiotic synthesis. VI. Synthesis
of purine nucleosides. J. Mol. Biol. 67, 25-33 (1972).
Robertson, MP, Miller SL.
1995 An efficient prebiotic synthesis of cytosine and uracil. Nature 375, 772 - 774 ()
Nelson K.E., Robertson M.P., Levy M, Miller S.L.
2001 Concentration by evaporation and the prebiotic synthesis of cytosine. Orig Life
Evol Biosph Jun;31(3):221-229
Deamer, D. W., and Pashley, R. M.
1989. Amphiphilic components of carbonaceous meteorites. Orig. Life Evol. Biosphere
Krishnamurthy, R., Pitsch, S. & Arrhenius, G. 1999 Mineral induced formation of
pentose-2,4-bisphosphates. Origins Life Evol. Biosph. 29, 139-152 ().
Dworkin, Jason P., David W. Deamer, Scott A. Sandford, and Louis J. Allamandola
2001 “Self-assembling amphiphilic molecules: Synthesis in simulated
interstellar/precometary ices” PNAS 98: 815-819
Pizzarello, Sandra, Yongsong Huang, Luann Becker, Robert J. Poreda, Ronald A.
Nieman, George Cooper, Michael Williams
2001 “The Organic Content of the Tagish Lake Meteorite” Science, Vol. 293, Issue 5538,
2236-2239, September 21, 2001
Segre' D., Ben-Eli D. Deamer D. and Lancet D.
2001 “The Lipid World” Origins Life Evol. Biosphere 31, 119-145.
C) More complex molecules / proto-life
Martin M. Hanczyc, Shelly M. Fujikawa, and Jack W. Szostak
2003 Experimental Models of Primitive Cellular Compartments: Encapsulation, Growth,
and Division Science October 24; 302: 618-622. (in Reports)
D.W. Deamer
1997 "The First Living Systems - A Bioenergetic Perspective", ; Microbiology and
Molecular Biology Reviews, 61(2): 239; June
Chakrabarti, A.C., R.R. Breaker, G.F. Joyce, & D.W. Deamer
1994 Production of RNA by a Polymerase Protein Encapsulated within Phospho-Lipid
Vesicles Journal of Molecular Evolution 39(6): 555-559 ( December)
Khvorova A, Kwak YG, Tamkun M, Majerfeld I, Yarus M.
1999. RNAs that bind and change the permeability of phospholipid membranes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences USA 96:10649-10654.
Yarus M.
1999. Boundaries for an RNA world. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 3:260-267.
Walter P, Keenan R, Scmitz U.
2000. SRP-Where the RNA and membrane worlds meet. Science 287:1212-1213.
Cronin, J. R. & Pizzarello, S.,
1999. Amino acid enantomer excesses in meteorites: Origin and significance. Advances
in Space Research 23(2): 293-299.
Service, RF,
1999. Does life's handedness come from within? Science 286: 1282-1283.
Antonio Chrysostomou, T. M. Gledhill,1 François Ménard, J. H. Hough, Motohide
Tamura and Jeremy Bailey
2000 "Polarimetry of young stellar objects -III. Circular polarimetry of OMC-1" Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 312 Issue 1 Page 103 - February
Michael H. Engel and Bartholomew Nagy,
1982 "Distribution and Enantiomeric Composition of Amino Acids in the Murchison
Meteorite", Nature , 296, April 29, , p. 838.
Jeremy Bailey, Antonio Chrysostomou, J. H. Hough, T. M. Gledhill, Alan McCall, Stuart
Clark, François Ménard, and Motohide Tamura
1998 Circular Polarization in Star- Formation Regions: Implications for Biomolecular
Homochirality Science 1998 July 31; 281: 672-674. (in Reports)
Chyba, Christopher F.
1997 Origins of life: A left-handed Solar System? Nature 389, 234- 235 (18 Sep 1997)
Engel, M. H., S. A. Macko
1997 Isotopic evidence for extraterrestrial non- racemic amino acids in the Murchison
meteorite. Nature 389, 265 - 268 (18 Sep) Letters to Nature
Schmidt, J. G., Nielsen, P. E. & Orgel, L. E. 1997 Enantiomeric cross-inhibition in the
synthesis of oligonucleotides on a nonchiral template. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119, 1494-1495
Saghatelion A, Yokobayashi Y, Soltani K,
Ghadiri MR,
2001"A chiroselective peptide replicator",
Nature 409: 797-51, Feb
Singleton, D A,& Vo, L K,
2002 “Enantioselective Synthsis without Discrete Optically Active Additives” J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 124, 10010-10011
Yao Shao, Ghosh I, Zutshi R, Chmielewski J.
1998 Selective amplification by auto- and cross-catalysis in a replicating peptide system.
Nature. Dec 3;396(6710):447-50.
Hazen, R.M., T.R. Filley, and G.A. Goodfriend.
2001. Selective adsorption of L- and D-amino acids on calcite: Implications for
biochemical homochirality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(May
Ricardo, A., Carrigan, M. A., Olcott, A. N., Benner, S. A.
2004 "Borate Minerals Stabilize Ribose" Science January 9; 303: 196 (in Brevia)
Pizzarello, Sandra, Arthur L. Weber
2004 Prebiotic Amino Acids as Asymmetric Catalysts Science Vol 303, Issue 5661:
1151, 20 February 2004
Ferris JP, Hill AR Jr, Liu R, and Orgel LE. (1996 May 2). Synthesis of long prebiotic
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1996 “A self-replicating peptide.” Nature Aug 8;382(6591):525-8
A.C. Chakrabarti, R.R. Breaker, G.F. Joyce, & D.W. Deamer
1994 Production of RNA by a Polymerase Protein Encapsulated within Phospho-Lipid
Vesicles Journal of Molecular Evolution 39(6): 555-559 (1994 December)
Smith, J.V.
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Smith, J.V., Arnold, F.P., Parsons, I., Lee, M.R.
Biochemical evolution III: Polymerization on organophilic silica-rich surfaces, crystal-
hemical modeling, formation of first cells, and geological clues Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96(7): 3479-3485; March
30, 1999
Blochl, Elisabeth, Martin Keller, Gunter Wächtershäuser , Karl Otto Stetter
1992 “Reactions depending on iron sulfide and linking geochemistry with biochemistry”
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Huber, Claudia, Gunter Wächtershäuser
1998 “Peptides by Activation of Amino Acids with CO on (Ni,Fe)S Surfaces:
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