Originally posted by Deacon:
Ituttut, I didn't post what i did to be rude or proud, sorry if it came across as that.
Hey Deacon, who doesn’t enjoy a “good tussle” now and then. How else are we to learn, as well as inform of correctly dividing His Word.
We either stand for what we believe or we don't, and sometimes we do "step on toes". But when I read the words of Jesus, Peter, John, James, Paul and the rest, there is not too many things we can say that we should have to apologize for, when defending what God allows each of us to see and understand.
I have examined the evidence available and have definite opinions on the matter.
So I notice.
I'm actually pleased that young-earth creationists can review their hypothesis and change. This is how real science works.
Change if not of faith and understanding, is when we believe earth science in the works, not yet understood. Those that rely on Earths science one day may accept by faith and understanding, that “as much water was above the earth at one time for a covering in the form of energy. This energy was then allowed to be concentrated and became solid matter falling to the earth to forever change it. New dynamics were then brought into play.
Unfortunately much of their old literature and ideas continue to circulate and are believed as truth when they were really only guesses that were wrong.
That old literature you speak of, and the ideas that continue to circulate, are still believed by many. That Old Stuff tells us that energy that became water was our God of division bringing back together the water He divided in the beginning. The Red Sea was not the first dividing of waters, and then bringing back together again.
I am not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination, but one doesn’t need to be a scientist to know the reason there was no rain. His Word tells us God had not allowed this energy “canopy” to fall. I actually believe this Old Stuff.
Science has told us that it takes “warm” air and a large amount of water to bring about rain. This is what we now have on THIS earth. THAT earth did not have “warm” enough (hot) air, and nowhere near the amount of water to cause it to rain on the earth. Water “vapor” from the seas, oceans, lakes, rivers rise and these vapors then form clouds. So here is earth science that understands the physics that much water is needed, and it must be warm enough to morph to vapor, forming clouds, then wringing out to again produce water.
Man understands this process, and accepts it. If they accept this, then why do many not accept what is known? What is known? Clouds are not solid, but the matter that is released becomes “solid”.
I strongly believe in the inerrancy of Scripture.
I also believe that God was telling the truth, when He said, ”And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so” in Genesis 1:7.
What we disagree on is what that verse means.
You know what I believe, but you have not disproved.
So, what do you believe, and what proof do you have to back up your belief?
The "Canopy theory" just doesn't hold water.