We have an argument with the early fundamentalists, including C.I. Scofield, who had difficulty with absolute creation, so they created a "gap theory" between Gen 1:1-1:2. This was not a problem for over 100 years, and remains a teaching even to-day for those who adhere to the Scofield reference Bible.
Theistic evolution does not deny the divine act of creation, nor the biblical teaching. It deals with extra biblical events established in history and in science. Not all science is anti-God, and there are areas that need explanation. For me, theistic evolution provides some of those answers.
One of the best sytematic theologians, A.H. Strong, a Baptist professor and author of a Systematic Theology text, which was commonly used in evangelical schools for years for its sound theology,,,,,,,even if the students were warned about his "Theistic evolution".
Do I believe man evolved from a monkey? Of course not. Even the monkeys would revolt at that thought.
There have been many fossils identified much older than the biblical years, which by the way were calculated and added to subesquent scriptures by a Bishop.
How do we account for such things as the dinosaurs of Southern Alberta, Canada?
Read more about Adam and adam...Two different things. Adam the man, and adam, humanity created by God.
How long after Adam was created was Eve taken from his side? You might be amazed at how many have them created side by each.
Think about all the chores the man Adam was given before Eve was created...Genesis tells us that he was given the job of naming ALL the animals..Not a small task, I can tell you.
Most of my churches wouldn't know of my beliefs in this area. There was no reason to teach it or mention it in preaching. I kept my pulpit for the gospel and other theological truths. During he days of modernism, as we knew it, I preached strongly against atheistic evolution.
Later I attended one of the most liberal schools in the USA. I wasn't fully aware at the time, but I had to defend the evangelical faith there, and I am not about to name drop, but I sat under the strongest liberals of the time, and I stood my ground. So, my faith and theology is strong. You cannot shake me by calling me questionable names. I am too old and too solid in my beliefs.
I have one word. Don't be too quick to condemn. Stand firm in what you truly believe, but don't be afraid to give benefit of doubt to a fellow sojourner.
Cheers, and bless,