Then you lack understanding and this debate is over your head! The Death of Christ effected Salvation for them He died for! The Spirit's Work with in Saving is the fruit of Christ's death actually saving!
You are still in denial of Christ's death actually saving them He died for, which is Blasphemy!
:laugh: It is you who lack understanding...and education. You're unwilling to debate me because you know you're intellectually unarmed (you have yet to intellectually engage anyone on BB). Therefore you keep evading. Ironically, you evade others by accusing them of evasion. You are the Great Evader!! :applause:
1. I said that Christ's death saved those He died for. If you weren't evading you would have gotten that.
2. You deny the Holy Spirit's work in salvation. Are you anti-Trinitarian?
3. In less than 3 posts you have proven you know nothing about debate (you obviously haven't taken a critical thinking and analysis course), logic (you obviously haven't studied philosophy), theology (you obviously have no education in don't even understand what's in your Bible), or etiquette (everyone else on BB, except for you, is smart enough to see you have the etiquette and arrogance of a spoiled teenager).
I'm starting to wonder if you know anything past what you may have found on a 1978 Hyper-Calvinist tract.
Everyone let's watch as savedbymercy evades this...ironically by crying evasion. :laugh:
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