It is different. One is you are walking down the street minding your own business and Leo's require your papers just because they feel like targeting you.
The other is you are using a vehicle normally targeted by terrorist. You are using a companies product and they can require you to reveal something about yourself in order to do so.
And note this is always. And I mean always how it starts. Germany 1934. People said the same thing about reporting to Nazi officials their papers. It wasn't long before Jews had to have yellow stars on their outer garments and people were cool with for the very same reason you are cool with having to report your "papers" to Leo under any circumstance. It just shows you've lost the consept of why and how this country was formed. Liberty! People are to be left to their own devices unless they break the law. The fact is over the years our country has become more legislated that like a frog in boiling water that is gradually raised in temperature it never jumps out until its finally boilled to death. However, do it all at once and it will jump out. For us it started in 1912 with the first income tax. Then progressed in the 1930 with FDR's Neal Deal and got worse with Johnson's great society. And every years since more laws encacted slowly limiting people's liberty. Now we are just a hop, skip, and a jump away from brown shirts harrassing the elderly, limiting what you can and cannot purchase, people that are suspect by nothing other than how they look are subject to unwarrented searches. And discent is dealt with by sending people to labor camps. Note most schools read the book 1984 as a view into the extreme of socialism however people don't realize George Orwell was a communist and his books animal farm and 1984 was how he saw the development of the capitalistic world. In our case he seems to be prophetic. and all they while you chant its not a real issue because I'm more than happy to give up liberty so that I can obtain more security. Our great country wasn't based on that. It was based on a man providing for himself and being self reliant for everything to include his own security thats why we have the second amendment! Yet no more. We seem to be going down the age old path that ends in tyranny!
My point had more to do with the inconvenience that we already experience in just traveling around the country when doing absolutely nothing suspicious as compared to someone who is obviously suspicious being asked to identify themselves. I wish neither were required but, apparently, because of many factors including our own individual inability to assist with the enforcement of law we've come to the point that it seems to be necessary. I think you hit very nicely on that point in the last couple of sentences regarding self reliance. There was a time when we would have been expected to and allowed to provide for our own security when traveling. I'm old enough to remember it! A ticket was all you needed and it didn't even need your name. We let the 1970's hi-jackers change that for us! Now we are rendered helpless by the very rules designed to protect us. Likewise, local residents in border states are unable to protect themselves and their federal government hasn't done the job either so they've called upon their State to help them with the problem. Good for them!
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