1 Thes. 1:4 Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.
5 For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.6 ¶ And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost:
Verse 1 - introduces the subject - how to tell they are the elect of God. - "knowing.....your election of God"
Verse 2 - provides the evidence for how they can know their election of God. First negatively and then positively.
a. Negatively "our gospel came not unto you in word ONLY" - meaning it came with something ADDITIONALLY to word "only" which is "BUT ALSO in....in....in" addition to just the word
b. Positively "but ALSO in power" thus when it comes in "word ONLY" it does not come in power.
b. "in the Holy Ghost" thus when it comes in "word ONLY" it comes without the Holy Ghost.
c. "in much assurance" thus when it comes in "word ONLY" it comes without assurance.
When it comes "ALSO in...in....in" there is a supernatural transformation that effectual transforms them into the same "manner of men" who proclaimed the gospel unto them so that they "BECAME followers of us" (Aorist passive voice) at the same point of time when they "received the word" (aorist tense passive voice) when and IN THE MANNER DESCRIBED by the three prepositional phrases.
When the gospel comes "in power...in Spirit...in much assurance" it transforms them into a "new creature" making them into the same "manner" of men who delivered the gospel unto them WHEN they "received the word."
Both "became" and "received" are Aorist tense verbs showing identical action with each other. Both are PASSIVE verbs showing they are RECEIVING the action rather than involved in producing the action. The action they received is previously defined by the three prepositional phrases.
5 For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.6 ¶ And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost:
Verse 1 - introduces the subject - how to tell they are the elect of God. - "knowing.....your election of God"
Verse 2 - provides the evidence for how they can know their election of God. First negatively and then positively.
a. Negatively "our gospel came not unto you in word ONLY" - meaning it came with something ADDITIONALLY to word "only" which is "BUT ALSO in....in....in" addition to just the word
b. Positively "but ALSO in power" thus when it comes in "word ONLY" it does not come in power.
b. "in the Holy Ghost" thus when it comes in "word ONLY" it comes without the Holy Ghost.
c. "in much assurance" thus when it comes in "word ONLY" it comes without assurance.
When it comes "ALSO in...in....in" there is a supernatural transformation that effectual transforms them into the same "manner of men" who proclaimed the gospel unto them so that they "BECAME followers of us" (Aorist passive voice) at the same point of time when they "received the word" (aorist tense passive voice) when and IN THE MANNER DESCRIBED by the three prepositional phrases.
When the gospel comes "in power...in Spirit...in much assurance" it transforms them into a "new creature" making them into the same "manner" of men who delivered the gospel unto them WHEN they "received the word."
Both "became" and "received" are Aorist tense verbs showing identical action with each other. Both are PASSIVE verbs showing they are RECEIVING the action rather than involved in producing the action. The action they received is previously defined by the three prepositional phrases.
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