I read through some of it, the Spirit and attitude of the writer turned me off big time.
here is my friends response to the article:
I read about a fourth of it and grew tired of hearing blatant lies. This fella is not even playing with half a deck of cards. He states things as fact that are absolutely, completely lies. His article reminds me of what was called "The Big Lie" - made famous by Bill Clinton. His technique was to tell the most preposterous lie -- saying it so confidently with no real evidence -- that no one would ever suspect that he would just make up such a ridiculous lie. "It must be true!" This writer tells lie after lie after lie. He also speaks from an incredibly uninformed standpoint. Particularly concerning the history of music. He certainly believes that music is amoral. If you follow the logic of what he is saying, there is absolutely no limit to what sound in music you could call acceptable to God. If he were to try to make a line, a standard, he would be viewed as the biggest hypocrite of all, after reviewing his reasoning points. This is modern day "antinomianism" -- it is the questioning of all restraints, standards, and biblical principles in application to our lives, so that the person is left free of anything to limit his pursuit of personal satisfaction. Jordan, I have seen individuals follow down this deceitful path, all along toting their false philosophy as confident proof of their being right with God, while their life spirals down in every area of morality and practice. They will defend it right down to the point where they are going to Hollywood movies, lusting after women, and the sky is the limit at that point. Paul and John warned against this evil philosophy. Music is not amoral.
Amazingly, in his stating of the positions of fundamentalist (which he arrogantly looks down upon as stupid, rigid, ignorant, out-of-touch, insensitive, uncaring, unloving baffoons) he presents wonderful arguments against what he is trying to promote. Some how, he feels that when he states the position of the other person fairly, he has discredited it. I found the arguments he was stating from his opposition to be far more sound and based on deeper knowledge than his flimsy, feel-good, tolerant of anything, reach the world any way philosophy.
You'll have to make your own choice in this area, but your decision will send you down a path that will determine the outcome of your ministry. As your friend and brother in Christ, I exhort you to take the high road and choose music you know is spiritual and pleasing to God.
For Christ and His Glory (Not my preferences and personal pleasure),
Bro. Phil