Dave, I highlighted your statement to which I am responding.Well Ken, saying you are going with the Bible instead of the WCF and Edwards is a little silly since they both rely heavily on - the Bible. Am I really supposed to take you at your word that you rely on the Bible but not them? That won't work.
There is a difference between God being sovereign and directly causing every single thing and the Bible does not teach that kind of determinism. It is a false choice that God either directly determines every single minute event or it's random chance.
Like I said before, knowing the definition of the gospel and believing with all your heart that God is sovereign will not save you. There is a direct belief and trust in Christ that is essential and YOU must do it. It is wrought in you by God, but you do it.
I would restate it and say, "There is a direct belief and trust in Christ that is essential and you will do it because God has appointed it."