Please don't misrepresent what I said.Of course the sinner submits to God. That is what regeneration does. It makes the sinner able to do so, to believe, repent, and submit. And nobody has ever said anyone is drawn against his will. That is a deliberate falsehood. He does not force us to go. He makes us willing to go.Nobody has accused God of being a tyrant. Nobody has accused God of contradicting Himself. 1 Timothy 2:4 "who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth." The Greek word translated "desires" (θελει) is not the normal word used to express God's decretal will but rather a preference. We must understand there is a difference between God's desire and His eternal salvific purpose which transcends His desire.
God does not want men to sin and thus incur His eternal wrath. He would rather they live holy and obedient lives. He hates the consequence of that sin. Yet God, for His own glory, and according to His eternal will, chose to endure "vessels . . . prepared for destruction" for the supreme fulfillment of His will. (Romans 9:22) According to His eternal purpose He chose only the elect out of the world (John 17:6) and passed over the rest leaving them in the consequences of their sin. God's choices are determined by His sovereign, eternal purpose, not His desires.
Except the fallen soul will always choose rebellion against God and will never, in fact cannot, chose obedience to Him.When the word of God and the gospel is preached the Holy Spirit, using the means of gospel preaching, regenerates the dead soul, removes the old cold, dead heart of stone, and replaces it with a living, believing heart of flesh which then opens and believes on Jesus as their Lord and Savior.No "Calvinist" (I am not a Calvinist. I am a Particular Baptist) believes mankind has no responsibility to believe and accept the gospel. Straw man argument. Yes, it is there in the bible. The unsaved man is the enemy of God, and cannot understand nor accept the things of God. There is none righteous, no not one. There is none that seeks after God.
Salvation is all of God and none of you.
Just as everyone in this thread believes.
The reason you can't reconcile them is that you have assumed a dichotomy where none exists. Man is responsible for his sin and the consequences thereof. God is Sovereign and elects and predestinates whom He will according to His own good will. Nothing to reconcile. God is in charge.