iconoclast ... thank you for your detailed reply.
One of the things which highlighted a post-tribulation rapture from a pre-tribulation rapture for me is how part of what you listed is answered.
John 14:12 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater
works than these he will do; because I go to the Father."
So clearly in this passage Jesus is speaking directly to those men who were soon to become known as Apostles. Did the Apostles do something greater than Jesus did? The only thing I can see is that the Apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit Jesus referenced later to lead the lost to Jesus ... as opposed to Jesus doing this Himself while He walked the planet. The Apostles healed the sick ... cast out demons ... like Jesus did. But what about GREATER?
It's hard for me to imagine a person doing things GREATER than Jesus did, but He said this is what would happen after He departed. So, the only question is ... did those things already happen, too? Or are those things which will be a result of the Holy Spirit's outpouring as you referenced .... but that reference has also yet to happen?
Is what's already happened the best of the Holy Spirit's empowerment? I mean, that's kinda cool healing the sick and casting out demons ... but is there anything else? Or is that yet to come ... in the face of evil we've never seen before? Can we imagine Acts 2:18??? I suggest to you ... no. 1 Cor 2:9 ... "... no mind has conceived of the things of God." So, until we are with Him in Glory ... it's impossible for us to have seen/heard/conceived of these things which are going to take place BY those current disciples of Christ. So ... how can these GREATER works have been done if we haven't seen/read/heard of them to conceive of them?
Dan 11:32 refers to "exploits" those who love God will do ... in the face of antichrist ... When Antiochus was rampaging, did God's people "do exploits" then?
As Jesus' Disciples then became known as Apostles. I believe His Disciples in THAT period of time will become known as Overcomers; from the citation you already gave.
Is it reasonable to understand the reference Jesus made in Matthew 24 about " For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will." has passed ...
but the 2000 years following it couldn't be worse? the 1/3 of human existence (2000 of 6000) Or ... has that period referenced in Matt 24:21 YET to happen? I mean, consider some of the evils which have transpired since 70AD. IDK if they're worse ... but I couldn't say that Antiochus Epiphanies was worse that Polpot ... or that Nero was MORE evil than (pick one) ... and most of these are in the last century!
- Adolf Hitler
- Joseph Stalin
- Vlad Tepes
- Osama Bin Laden
- Mao Zedong
- Pol Pot
- Genghis Khan
- Heinrich Himmler
- Kim Jong-il
- Saddam Hussein
I think the evil to fulfill Jesus' prophesy is YET to be seen. We've been given glimpses. There have been some unspeakable horrors committed ... some of those have been since 70AD ... and they're warm ups for THE antichrist/the beast/the false prophet.
Daniel also speaks about a time where folks travel to and fro with ease. I mentioned Jesus travel in/out of Jerusalem during the week of Passover/His trial/crucifixion ... but I don't think that was Daniel's reference. We are traveling DAILY Dallas/Ft. Worth to Hong Kong. D A I L Y. Perhaps that Daniel reference is to the Starship Enterprise? But that's farther away from your perspective than closer.
Daniel also says in that passage ... knowledge will increase. That's certainly happened more now than in 70AD, yes? Both in breadth and depth of knowledge ... outward to space and inward to microns/viruses. (notice Daniel didn't say WISDOM would increase, nor did he say DISCERNMENT would increase ... only KNOWLEDGE)
I'll review your references again in the perspective that "it's all done" ... but it still leaves me wondering if that's true ... what is THIS we're doing?