I am not sure how your thinking the Kings of Israel have anything to do with this. I would be interested in hearing though.
As to your trying to discern my comment. Any time that God deals with Israel He always uses someone more evil than they are.
Many in the church today have turned from God to support a godless man, the lessor of two evils, as they seek to sow to the flesh. I am suggesting that God will deal with the church the same way He did with Israel and give her the greater of two evils.
Yes I have no doubt that this nation is headed for destruction. As to the American church who is the church in name only yes I believe it also will suffer which is good as it will separate the wheat from the chaff. The true church in America will prevail regardless what happens. The true church will not bow to the unrighteousness of the day.
I mistakenly thought you were drawing from that analogy. My mistake.
I believe you are wrong concerning "the church" bowing to the unrighteous.
If anyone (Christian or otherwise) has ever voted for America's continuance or payed taxes for its maintenance then they have put their stamp of approval upon the nation of America.
Think of this - America began as a nation of rebels and traitors to the Crown shedding the blood of the British soldiers.
Later we massacred the red man in our Manifest Destiny.
We enslaved the black man in our economic greed.
We killed each other at the number of about 600,000 soldiers in the Civil War.
We disintegrated a quarter million men women and children in the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Then, is there one president that we or you have ever voted for that was definitely a born again individual?
Don't get me wrong, I am a patriot and a veteran.
Ambivalent? Yes. Some (especially non-Americans) would call me a hypocrite - and aren't we all?