This election season is unique.
It is certainly acrimonious. But that is nothing new.
In the 1884 Presidential Campaign each side had favorite slogans:
"Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine" - Repeated over and over by Grover Cleveland, who won the election. (Echos of "Crooked Hillary" and "Lying Ted?")
It refers to Blaine's involvement in unethical business deals with the railroad industry and his behavior after they were exposed. Uh, like attacking Trump's business practices?
Then there is "Ma, Ma, Where's my Pa, Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha!" Cleveland's opponent, James Blaine's slogan.
Refers to the out of wedlock child Cleveland allegedly had fathered.
American politics has always been mean and dirty. We have just taken it to a new extreme this election cycle.