Your case has no support when compared to God's Word.
Sorry you feel that way. Since you say, “Your case has no support when compared to God's Word” please show me where I have no support in what I have said.
I speak what the Bible says and even gave Hebrew, English, and Greek definitions.
Yayin means wine, and the root word for yayin is to boil up, to ferment.
Wine in English is a fermented drink.
Oinos in Greek means wine. Oino is part of the word that means drunkenness, and part of the word that means tippling.
I can find nowhere in the Bible that says, “Fermented wine.” However, the Bible covers every possible part of the grape: “wine,” vinegar,” “grape juice,” “grapes,” raisins,” even “seeds” and “skins” from the grapevine. See Numbers 6:3 and 4.
The Bible confirms that wine is a fermented drink when it says to abstain from “wine and other fermented drink.” See Numbers 6:3; Luke 1:15; and Judges 13:4.
Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, Genesis 14:18.
Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine see John 2:1-11. The scriptures confirm that it was alcoholic when the master of the banquet called the bridegroom aside and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
Jesus himself said, “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they said, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, see Matthew 11:19.
Paul gives instruction not to drink too much wine, see 1 Timothy 3:8; and Titus 2:3.
Paul even says to use a little wine, see 1 Timothy 5:23.
Wine was used during the religious feasts, with God’s approval, and was accepted as a divine provision. See Genesis 14:18; Leviticus 10:9; Psalm 104:14,15.
When the Corinthians re-enacted the Lord’s Supper, some of them got drunk (1Corinthians 11:21).
I respect the argument by others here and elsewhere that there was no grape juice to harvest at the time of the Passover. “The last supper was on Passover, at Nisan 14 (April), seven months had elapsed since the harvest of the vine... any grape juice in Palestine would be well fermented.” We know that Jesus' last supper was the Passover meal (Mark 14:14-17).
Jewish tradition was to drink wine, not grape juice, at the Passover. One writer has said, "Oral tradition contained in the Mishnah commanded that even the poorest person must drink the minimum four cups, even if he had to sell himself to do labour or had to borrow money in order to buy the wine" ( Rosen, C. and M. Christ in the Passover. 1978. Page 51).
Please tell me where and how I have not supported what I said with God’s Word.