Neither can the followers of Ruckman-Riplinger claim an "original" English of the 1611 AV; There were two KJV publications (Oxford, Cambridge), some say three if you include the Nelson KJV.
There are differences. Howbeit the differences are small, someone has made mistakes. They are caused by man as God is incapable of the smallest mistake.
Even among the KJVO camp there is division concerning this reality.
While many KJVO lean towards the Cambridge Edition, some are even suspicious of the that edition:
The fact that there is controvery in the KJVO camp concerning this matter proves that there is no complete "original" English hand written manuscript of the KJV commitee upon which to fall back
Therefore, the Ruckman-Riplinger camp have no "final authority" either.
These are the same dynamics which have existed for millenia.
God could have very easily preserved all of the original pen and ink manuscripts and perhaps He has but
we presently don't have any of them including the 1611 English manuscript of the full Holy Bible which the KJV translators produced early on in the work (which also included the Apocrypha).
Hence the history of "corrections" for both editions went on for hundreds of years and yet they still don't agree.