Folks, all Calvinists have to offer is misrepresentation, and demonization as shown by post 62. Google Primitive Baptists an read about the history of the split between "missionary baptists" and "anti-missionary baptist.
and I stand with the Primitive Baptists, then, and now.
Mission-ISM is unscriptural, so is Sunday School, so are mission boards, so are a lot of other man-made additions to worship (as opposed to necessary aids such as buildings, air-conditionings, and modern heaters).
And unscriptural does not necessarily mean sinful, only that it does not appear in Scripture.
Some Calvinists, including PB, think God does not need to send missionaries to China, because they have invented by extra-biblical speculation, a back-up plan. Other Calvinists have called that "mysticism."
I have stated the position of Primitive Baptists re the correct purpose of missions against mission-i
sm, and in post 50 of this same thread have stated that PREACHING IS the ordained purpose for the spreading of the gospel to the elect children of God.
The Scripture plainly teaches, when rightly divided, that ETERNAL SALVATION requires nothing from the elect sinner. I have stated this once, and will state it again, and if YOU, or any other, can disprove it, please do.
in terms of eternal salvation the only ingredients were Christ's obedience, the Father's will, and the Triune God's mercy and grace
Faith, obedience, and repentance are a requirement, not to eternal salvation, but to GOSPEL salvation, for those who have been quickened, and the honest Bible student (of which apparently, you are NOT) will not and cannot miss the truth that whenever faith, obedience, repentance, a change of way of life and such are written about, preached, or demanded, they are written to, preached to, and demanded of those who have been quickened, or who have called on the Name of Christ as their own.
So, instead of acting like a bullying moron, why don't you quit your one-line insults of Calvinists, and PB's, and expand more on the Scriptures ?
Or maybe, you really don't know how to ?