Thread summed up:
Do men possess faith by nature, or is it supernaturally endowed by the Spirit?
Calvinists: It is supernaturally endowed by the Spirit.
I think you might want to include the word "irresistible" or "effectual" in there somewhere unless you feel the word "endowed" is strong enough to connote that meaning, otherwise it is no different from what we have claimed. But you wouldn't know that since you are too busy putting words I never said in my mouth.
Men possess faith by nature,
As I clearly and painstakingly explained: There is no one here who believes that in the way you mean it, because you don't believe the Spirit's work in and through the Gospel counts as a real "work of the Holy Spirit."
even though the Scriptures say the natural man is at enmity with God, and cannot receive the things of God.
That is man's natural condition, so I wonder what a possible solution for that might be? Could it be a Holy Spirit wrought message meant for God's enemies appealing for them to be reconciled? Naww, that would be too simple. Why would anyone think that a divine message of reconciliation might actually have the power to bring reconciliation?
webdog: Flesh or spirit? There is nothing you have that is not of God, so what's the difference?
Scandal: (Originally held webdog's view, then went through the following metamorphoses.)
Huh, that is not a "view," it is a CLARIFYING QUESTION ABOUT YOUR VIEW, which you avoided answering for obvious reasons. Let's look at why that might be, shall we?
1. If someone says that the ability to believe is "natural" (from birth) and another says that ability is "divine" (from God), the question is this: If the ability to believe is "good" then aren't both really "from God" since all good things come from God? The obvious answer is "YES," so the response is: So what difference does our answer matter?
2. The reason you don't like this is that you'd like to corner our view into a view by which we claim the natural man, on his own, does something good without anything given to him by God. That is your straw-man and you'll apparently do just about anything to paint us into that straw-man's suit. Nice try, but those with an IQ above 4 can see through it.
I never said that in regard to my view on this subject.
2) It's a natural human trait, but is dormant till excited by the preaching of the Gospel.
I never said that, ever.
3) It's not a natural human trait, it's created by the Spirit through the preaching of the Gospel.
I never used these words, but this is the closest you've ever gotten so far. It's not as if there aren't enough quotes from me for you to copy and paste, so may I suggest you let my words speak for know like I did when I quoted all your phrases about faith being a state of being and not a choice, remember? No offense, but you stink at telling people what I believe.
4) Why do you make everything so difficult?
Again, not my view, but a clarifying question about YOUR VIEW that you once again avoided answering. Revealing.
5) I feel sorry for you.
You got that one right, but how did you know since I never said that?