New Member
I suspect you would not give the same consideration to a Muslim teacher leading students in prayer at lunch. But this isn't a case of a teacher simply praying before a meal at lunch. If you read all the realted stories regarding this incident, it's a matter of numerous school staff actively displaying their religion in an excessively boastful manner. Scripturally, those folks are akin to pharisees. Legally, they very likely violated Amendment I of the Constitution. It's Christians like these that make it more difficult for the rest of us to engage in genuine faith, and we should be admonishing them righteously, not just defenging them blindly.
I see you know so much from where you live.
Frank Lay was in my HS graduating class. The luncheon which they attended (he and Freeman) was an adult meeting. This happened here just 10 miles from where I live.
But I suppose you know more than I do.
Also...... you think you read minds?
That's what you're saying about me....... but you are wrong..... I will defend the rights of others to exercise their liberty as I would expect others to defend my own rights. I'm also adult enough to let someone know, face to face, if I disagree... and if it is important enough to make an issue and let them know..... or be adult, quiet, and forgive. I also have the decency to know that there are some regional differences and customs, more ingrained in the community and culture.... which aren't mine to change .... unless there is something inherently evil and sninster and in need of change.
We need real Christians.... willing to stand and be counted..... and to know the difference between honoring God and honoring man. Our youth are loosing their lives to disease, drugs, war, and violence.... having already had what little faith that home and church tried to introduce destroyed by theories of evolution, humanism, and relative morality replacing the God given code of absolute laws. Is there no one to set the example? If some of them have questions about life and death, sin and forgiveness..... is it loving, kind, and fair to possess the truth but to refuse to respond with the water of life? But..... alas.... within the Christian community are as many cowards and compromisers, and whimps... and men with lace on their panties.... and girls ruling in pants.... that it is rare to find someone with a clear enough identity to be targeted as a Christian.
This man is just and if there is a thread of brotherhood to any responding on this board... it should be to pray for him in this situation..... and to recognize that those who are against him are coming against Jesus Christ in him..... and pray for them, even as Jesus said we were to do..... to pray for those who persecute us. (After all..... they are in need of God's love and forgiveness... and they have many of the same weaknesses and needs that is common to our human experience.)