thanks. Actually it was an unwelcome surprise to the construction budget ... and another example of government overreach/excessive regulation.
Overall the system hasn't been AS BAD as i thought, but it hasn't been without mechanical failure either. the standard anaerobic system just needs gravity. That hasn't failed yet.
But back to point ... I do my best to minimize the endless PAs about the stupid masks. I'll give my #1 FA a 20 second aerospace physiology lesson to help aid understanding that some folks really DO just need to breathe and they're not making a stink. Unless you're a resident of Divide Colorado and spend most of your time working/exercising there, you're losing about 2/3 of your acclimated oxygen in an airliner. No one talks about that, but it's true. Now typically the most physical exertion is standing up/walking to the lav or perhaps fetching a bag from the overnoggin bin. ... but the mask IS another brick in the wall. Some who have weak respiration on the ground find it a challenge, then the mask, too? It can result in hypoxia which means a medical problem and possible divert.
early in this ... event ... the airlines and manufacturers sponsored a study and promotion therein of the relative safety being in an airliner. They weren't wrong. The air entering the cabin has been compressed which puts the temp at about 250 deg F. No virus is surviving that, so the air is sterilized of bio hazard when it enters the cabin. The air is exchanged (on average) once every 7-8 minutes as there are "fixed bleeds" (the lavatories) and the pressurization control outflow valve. It's under approximately 8 PSI. The cabin is literally "trying" to blow itself apart like a balloon. You're sitting inside an ATV tire! LOL. This is also why there's no human who's opening the door at 35,000.
So ... the mask. yeah. it's not helping mitigate the spread, but it makes enough people feel good that it's apparently here to stay so we can continue to jab people under an EUA. If ya want a reference to a good option, PM me. You can make others feel good, comply with the rule/policy/edict, and yet breathe without fogging yer spectacles.