New Member
I understand Marx perfectly. I chose to read him to understand my enemy.Obviously you have not read Marx and do not understand Marx.
Why do you read and quote him, while claiming to quote Scripture?
You have stated "If you do not believe we are to help those in need" as though I said it, knowing full well I did not. This is disingenuous, a lie told to sidetrack the discussion and make it appear as you are defending something that was not even challenged.And if you do not believe we are to help those in need, well ............. must hold the English idiom "pass by on the other side" as part of your personal beliefs and philosophy of your life. Yes, I know the idiom comes from the Bible ... but it has been turned into an idiom. Look it up.
I do, for the record, believe we are to help those in need, but not with government funds. It is the ministry of the church, and the church can do it much more efficiently and cost-effectively than the government, without the bureaucracy. A study was done some years ago at the University of Missouri which showed that if every church in the U.S. would adopt two families, the need for federal spending on unemployment insurance, food stamps, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, etc., would disappear. The church has not responded. But long after the government has collapsed, or morphed into something evil and destructive -- oh, wait, that's already happened -- the church will still be there, and the necessity for it to take up that call will be answered.
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