Catechism of the Catholic Church
This is a link to catechism. Which is suppose to be a compendium of all Catholic doctrine.
If you want to debate catholic teaching this is the best spot to find ammunition.
I rarely debate the Catholic faith. I do often debate a misrepresentation of it.
Some systems are built very xenophobic?/biggoted. Us just us, us vs them and all other religions are guaranteed evil
Its like asking a Nazi what Jews believe. Probably not going to get favorable view of Jews.
We trust God enough in the faith he put you in, a conversion from you isn't required. We view other religions as brothers and sisters.
Imagine a religion that reflects the character of Jesus. Its not a religion that goes around stomping on the others ones, it tries to guide pickup and ideally will die for the other.
Love is the highest priority, I believe this priority can be found in all denominations.