Thank you, I know where I fall now and it's not in either, lol.
So, I'll just bow out of the sub-forum and just read every so often.
In your initial post, you admit that you know nothing about a very serious and foundational subject, and then you take the first person's (in an online forum) response as if it were the word of God. Now, be clear, I'm not saying that your question is a bad one, but I would challenge the way in which you are going about this.
May I suggest that you, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." (2 Tim. 2:15)
In reading a few of your replies,
I've seen that you put the final say in the hands of your reason and intellect. You reason that if something doesn't make sense to you then it can't be true. May I say that the gospel makes no sense (if I use your method of determining truth). God becoming a man and being killed on a cross doesn't make much sense, does it? However, when we understand some other things, such as sin and death, covenant and curse, redemption and promise, things begin to make sense to us.
You shouldn't look at the subject of soteriology and make a rash decision regarding it. Study the subject. Read some books on this subject. Read some dead guys, and of course, read the Bible and pray for God to show you how what seems foolish to the human mind is the purest gold.