Look at the chart again. Do you see the weekly death rate from any of the five previous years of seasonal flu go from (basically) zero to over 6,000 deaths per week in three weeks?
The closest any previous year comes to that increase in death rate is 2017-2018. In weeks 51-53 the rate went from approximately 4,400 deaths/week to 7,000 deaths/week. Another way of stating this is that the rate increased 59% in three weeks.
As you can see in the chart COVID-19 went from about 50 deaths/week to 6,400 deaths/week in weeks 11-13. Another way to say this is the rate increased 12,700% in three weeks.
In this particular characteristic, virulency, Covid-19 is most definitely NOT like the flu.
I'm finding it unbelievable that people are denying the simple truths right before their eyes and still comparing this to the flu. I mean, if they wanted to compare it to the Spanish flu that might be a little closer although this virus is much more contagious and the Spanish had a 3% death rate of those infected wherein we are currently at a 3.2% death (this is going up daily, even with our high rate of testing!) and most of the other other countries with the most infections are around a 10% death rate.
If left unchecked and abiding with the herd immunity mentality, to just ignore it and go back to work would make the Spanish look like a walk in the park. To deny the strategy of our top experts and to allow or encourage the letting of this disease to run unchecked in panic over the economy is insanity, unpatriotic and immoral to neglect the duty of every American to make sure no one is unnecessarily exposed to this virus.

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