"He has mercy on whom He will have mercy"
Presumption here is he has mercy on some and not on others.
Because this statement can also equate mercy to all even none to all.
GOD can steal from whom he wills to steal too.
Murder whom he wills to murder.
God lies to whom he wills to lie.
Does that mean he is a thief, murderer and Liar? If he lies to N

NE he has lied to whom he wills to lie. If he shows mercy to everyone he can still have shown mercy to whom he wills.
Hey he is a thief in the night, right?
So if he decides a "Save All". Its his prerogative. I would say its overstepping your boundaries to dictate on to God in absolutes on his judgment. Universal salvation and Universal doom.
There's tiny knick knacks people say that the appearance of HUMILITY but its just false humility. Actual humility can be humiliating.
Like saying well we don't know anything.
15“No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.
Everything Jesus learned from God he let them know. Its the issue of saying well I'm better at being a dumb student then you GOD are at being a great teacher.
The best teacher will straighten you out believe me God is good at what he does. You can hand him the very worst sinner around among all of us and in 5 mins, he can straighten him out.
People take the judgment seat themselves and start stating absolutes, Saying stuff like Everyone deserves to go to hell. And here is the great miracle and mercy that God decided to save some.
That its a miracle that God would even save a portion at all.
The subtle insult being oh God its a shock and surprise that you are only halfways a jerk rather then a complete one.
You guys way braver then me in this regard.
I know GOD is GOOD so I I'm the exact opposite, it would be no surprise to me if God saved everyone. Perfect Hero.
I'd love to see the look n your face when I'm in the hot seat and you have to explain to God..........funny thing.....this guy thought you were perfect and he didn't doubt for a second you would fix everything.