Internet Theologian
Well-Known Member
Though I'm on the fence regarding the whole lordship vs. free grace thing, I must admit that free grace theology from the outside may look like antinomianism. But the rhetoric concerning FG proponents are a little extreme.
I agree the rhetoric may seem extreme, but the fact is the teaching makes allowance for professing believers to live in accordance with the lifestyles given in the OP. There is nothing in Scripture assuring any person living a lifestyle of sin that eternal life is their's - quite the opposite is presented in the Scriptures. FGT conflates evidence of salvation with works and the system is a reaction against so-called Lordship Salvation which became more well known after MacArthurs book 'The Gospel According to Jesus'. However, Macs book only reiterated what the church fathers, Puritans and other Divines had taught for years.