I know this is several days late. Sorry for just now responding.
You did complain. It was in jest, but you complained. I said, Bosley, Bosley, Bosley, what do you want? And you responded;
Now, that's complaining. I know you were joking around, and my response to you was joking around as well, but you complained.
For the love of all things holy... :BangHead:
It MIGHT, it MIGHT NOT. I have no idea what he was talking about. What was that, two sentences? I have no idea what the context of that conversation was. It hardly proves your point.
That was actually from his commentary on John 6:45. That's actually all he said since obviously his system of Arminianism, like yours, cannot fully come to grips with what Jesus says here.
John 6:45 explains verse 44 where Jesus said no man can come to him unless the Father draws him, then Jesus says, As it is written in the prophets, they shall all be taught of God. Every man that comes to Jesus must be taught by the Father, they must hear his words and learn from him.
Again you turn the verse around. It says:
Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me
Everyone who comes...has heard and learned.
There really is a difference.
You cannot accept the scripture as written so you twist it around. You are still accurate in that everyone who comes has truly heard and learned, but you cannot affirm the opposite, which is actually what Jesus asserts. Everyone that hears and learns will come. Not a single one who hears will ever fail to come. You cannot account for that in your system.
OK, how is that done? Were you walking down the street and God appeared to you like he appeared to Saul (Paul) on the road to Damascus? That is not how I learned about Jesus. I learned about Jesus when my parents took me to church and they taught me from the Bible about Jesus.
And I would bet that is exactly how you learned about Jesus too. That is how the Father teaches men, through the scriptures he has provided to mankind. If God had not given his word to faithful men who recorded them for us, neither you nor I would know a solitary thing about the true God or salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
Yes and that is Romans 10 territory, speaking about gospel preaching. John 6 is not dealing with that. I know you deny it, and you can continue denying it all day and night, but the fact is that John 6 is dealing with the
internal and
supernatural drawing of the sinner to the Son by the Father. This is complimentary to gospel preaching, the occur together, but they are not the same.
You can claim some mystical revelation all you want, that is not how it happens.
No one is claiming that and you know it. Stop your dishonesty.
Romans 10 has EVERYTHING to do with this, as it explains HOW men believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. Does it teach that men are regenerated to believe? NO, it teaches that men believe when they hear the word of God preached to them. Faith comes by HEARING the word of God.
Romans 10 is speaking of the practical outward experience of preaching the gospel. The sinner absolutely must hear the gospel. How can they call on Christ if they have never heard of him? That is the practical question seen in Romans 10. John 6 explains how the sinner comes to see their need for Christ and how they are brought by God to the Son. Two sides of the same coin. One external one internal. The passages themselves show that they are not speaking of precisely the same thing, even though both are speaking of conversion.
Jhn 6:37, 39, 44-45, 65 NASB - "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. ... "This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day. ... "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. "It is written in the prophets, 'AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me. ... And He was saying, "For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father."
John 6 shows that this drawing by the Father, giving to the Son and learning from the Father are all expressions or descriptions of the same event, the inward call to salvation. And look at the language used referring to those drawn, taught and given:
"All ... will come."
"I lose nothing..."
Everyone who has heard... comes to Me."
It is clear as day that every single person that is drawn by the Father will come to Christ. They all will be saved, and they will all be preserved to the end of the age. Not a single one is lost.
Contrast that to Paul's point in Romans 10:
Rom 10:14-16 NASB - How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!" However, they did not all heed the good news; for Isaiah says, "LORD, WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT?"
Clearly the preaching of the gospel is the God ordained means to bring sinners to salvation. Faith comes through hearing the word of Christ. However he explicitly says that "not all heed the good news." Yes I understand the context is in regard to Israel's rejection of the gospel in accordance with prophecy, but that is irrelevant to this point. Not all who hear the gospel will respond in saving faith.
So we have in John 6 the point that all who are drawn are given to the Son, they all respond with saving faith and none are lost. Romans 10 says not all who hear will believe. If you believe that John 6 and Romans 10 are both speaking about knowledge given through teaching and preaching then you have to pit Paul against Jesus and say that Jesus was wrong. The correct understanding is to see that while both are discussing salvation they are looking at it from two different angles, the God-view in John 6 and the man-view in Rom 10.
Matthew 22 helps to see the distinction:
Mat 22:14 NASB - "For many are called (Romans 10), but few are chosen (John 6)."
Nowhere do the scriptures teach you have to be regenerated to believe. That is man-made doctrine you cannot possibly show. All those verses about being "called" do not prove that, God calls all men, but many men refuse to come. I showed you that scripture in Matthew 22.
God does not call all people in the way John 6 uses the word. What is the result of the call in John 6? Salvation. I said it before, a consistent, honest reading of John 6 leaves you with either particular redemption of universalism, that's it.
It is you that does not see that you are question begging. You are ASSUMING your view is true, without one word of scripture to support it. You are reading Calvinism INTO the text when it is not there.
That is laughable coming from you when you have consistently twisted the scriptures and forced them to support literally the opposite of what it actually says.
Well, God KNOWS who will believe through his foreknowledge, and yes he has predetermined these believers will be conformed to his image. This does not prove irresistible grace whatsoever.
So in other words, predestined and election and foreknow are all really meaningless terms since God actually didn't choose anyone, he is simply responding to the creation.
First of all, making longer and longer posts does not make you right. Ridiculous.
And who said that? If you make a post and I respond to each point, then naturally the posts will get longer. That's common sense. Your complaint is silly. Act like an adult not a child.
Here we go again. Are you claiming you received a personal invitation from God himself? Tell us all about your experience Joseph Smith!
I actually thought about reporting this post as you seem to be trying to identify my beliefs with that of the false prophet. You twist my words and make an evil accusation.
True, no man can come unless he is called and drawn, but all men are called and drawn.
Not in the sense of the drawing in John 6. That drawing from the Father infallibly results in salvation.
It is speaking of the word of God. It has "appeared" to you. Go look on your bookshelf.
You simply cannot let the Word of God say what it actually says can you?
Tit 2:11 NASB - For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men,
See, your doctrine makes God out to be insincere and a liar. He calls men, but he really doesn't mean it.
If you cannot see your doctrine implies God is a liar then you are in complete denial.
Ah yes. How horrible it is to have a God who actually accomplishes his desires and does all that he pleases without any hindrance from his creation.
I have never hinted at much less insisted that John 12:32 says everyone in the world will be drawn to Jesus.
All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.
I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.
Winman, you deny plain Scripture day in and day out. Read John 6 and yield to its authority.