awakenThe bible describes God as being good to all men....the rain shines upon the just and the unjust
. I predicted
FLAWLESSLY.......Icon will justify the thought that God "LOVES" everyone by appealing to the "Rain shines upon the just and the un-just"......thing.
Anyone who understands that earthly prosperity is NOT true flourishing would know that God doesn't "love" everyone.
Icon wants you to think that since a man might "gain the whole world"........................and still lose his soul, that Calvinism is congruent with the idea that God "Loves" everyone. Again.....his lies are defeated by Scripture:
Mat 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
To love someone is to desire their "True flourishing"...and "true flourishing" does not exist without an eternal relationship with God.
Calvinism does not submit that (what is true human flourishing) something God desires or wants for
ALL people.
Icon.....As I predicted stated that God "loves" everyone by pretending that earthly Providence is the expression of God's "LOVE". That's a lie you should be able to see through by now.
DOES NOT WANT EVERYONE SAVED according to the Calvinist schema..............
Unless and until they admit that truth to you.........they will try to side-track you without admitting that that is PRECISELY what they believe.
Icon believes that God did NOT care enought for "everyone" for Christ to have died for them. That's a fact.....and he won't deny it.
Icon believes that Christ died
ONLY for the "few" who find the narrow way..........the rest are
irreparably damned.
Icon believes that, he is a Calvinist..........and he hasn't strictly admitted that fact to you in so many words.
If you want your questions answered by those who believe this biblical teaching....follow what we say....on a legal pad, or note book.
Did you catch that???? Just "Follow what WE SAY"..........that's how Calvinists work.
You asked about Election .....not out for ICON remarks..
i am not the focus here...
Nope.................................................Icon is NOT the "focus".....just DEMAND from him whether he will Clearly spell-out whether he believes that Christ died for "all" people or whether God "loves" all people...........and demand that he tell you the answer in a direct, simple and straight-forward manner.
Again.........please watch the excellent link Winman initially posted which explains how Calvinists (including Icon) do not believe that God does "LOVE" everyone.
Icon wil run from that link all he likes.......but he has NOTHING to refute it. Demand that ICON honestly explain "Limited Atonement" to you...........
Ask him whether God intended to save all mankind or not......first....and then see if "Calvinism" makes Biblical sense.