In the course of our discussion, I've come to realize that the Beast is actually Rome.
Yes, the beast will form his empire at first from the remnants of the Roman empires.
Of course, Nero is the man of sin, and 666.
Of course, he WASN'T, as I've shown you the proof he was not!
The Roman Empire was dealt an almost fatal blow with Nero's death.
Not at all. the "pax romana" was still ongoing.
As a historian, I'm sure you are familiar with the "year of the 4 emperors". Anyway, Vespanian's rise to power restored the Roman Empire, which fits the "rising from the dead" description.
Rome got along fine with no strong Caesar for a few months.
Finally, I'll admit that I don't fully understand the details of Rev. 19:20. However, I won't let the fact that I don't understand all of this cause me to abandon Preterism for the man-made fantasies of the Futurist view.
It shouldn't be a bit hard to understand! It's a simple statement! When Jesus returns, the beast & FP will be in power, & they'll be seized & cast ALIVE into the LOF. They won't pass "GO!" nor collect $200! They'll be so evil that no further judgment will be necessary to condemn them.
What dont'cha understand about that verse? Sure, it goes against your pret garbage, but so does a lotta other Scripture & facts of history.
Now, I've pointed out FACTS from Scripture & history about Nero that you, or any other reader, can easily check out in a few minutes, PROVING Nero was NOT the beast! You may keep hollering that he was, but you'll simply be WRONG!
Remember that Paul wrote in 2 Thess.2 that the man of sin would sit in the temple, exalting himself over God, and anything/anyone else ever worshipped as a god. And a KNOWN FACT about nero was that he was NEVER IN JERUSALEM! And Paul was Nero's contemporary. And remember Nero had Paul beheaded not long before his own fall. Now, you may check every known work of history to see Nero was never in Jerusalem & that he worshipped the Roman pantheon of gods/goddesses.
Just another set of Scripture & historical FACTS proving Nero was not the beast!