3JesusIsGod3, don't let these guys fool ya. Just cruise around the board and you'll find plenty of links that refute most of what has been posted here. See, if you don't believe in a literal interpretation of Scripture, then you can come from all kinds of places with all kinds of subjective meanings, like
Israel, as a nation, or people, in the OT is a representation of God's children.
Israel wasn't a "representation" of God's children - Israel is the Apple of God's Eye! God called them His Chosen People.
But Ken is correct when he says most Christians, (cause that's become a pretty generic term nowadays to include anyone who isn't a Buddhist, Muslim, or Jew) don't believe as you do - BUT most Baptists, including the leaders of the SBC, do believe the same as you. You're right on track.
Some of these guys believe in Replacement Theology - Christians replaced the Israel. If you Google on the web, you can read all about it. When I came to the Baptist Board, I never even knew Baptists believed any such thing - and to this day, I still don't personally know any Baptists who believe that.
So don't get confused, cause it's easy to do around here when you're new.
And Bush did pressure Sharon with the threat of withdrawing US aid to Israel if Sharon didn't comply. I've posted links elsewhere. When Condi Rice was just there, she emphasized again the need for Israel to withdraw from Gaza.
And now, terrorism has worked. The Intifada worked. All those homicide bombers getting on and blowing up innocent people on the bus, in restaurants, the pizza parlor, nightclubs - all those people blow to bits, killed, or maimed for life with bits of metal, screws, nails, shrapnel in the bombs - that are even still suffering victims today...we (meaning the US) have said forget about all of that, just make peace with these Muslims at any cost. Give them what they want. And so, terrorists won. Even that Abbas is a terrorist - he financed the murder of Israelis at the Olympics. But he was the "choice."
Abbas also pledged the Palestinian Authority would rebuild homes demolished by Israel during the past five years of conflict. He promised to reserve 5 percent of government jobs for the disabled, mainly war wounded.
He told the crowd that Israel was quitting Gaza because of Palestinian "sacrifices" and "patience," and he promised the withdrawal would lead to further pullouts from the West Bank and Jerusalem.
"We won, so we came to thank God for our victory," said Abdel Raouf Barbar, an official of Abbas's Fatah party. With parliamentary elections scheduled in January, the party is competing with the Islamic group Hamas to claim credit for the Israeli withdrawal.
It's enough to make any person who is in their right mind throw up.