If you were an adult in the early sixties to late seventies, you should know that your generation LOST this nation.
The way you did church FAILED.
Now that does not apply to EVERY SINGLE church and Christian of that generation, but it does apply to the generation by and large.
It's time for you to take responsibility and to pass the torch and let the younger generation get started cleaning up the mess you left us.
I know that's going to make some of you angry, but it may be the fact that you GET angry over this rebuke that is INDICATIVE of the problem within you that CAUSED you to be the failure you have been.
You inherited a largely Christian nation and you left to us a largely APOSTATE nation.
You failed. Admit it and get out of our way.
Calvinism's resurgence in the last decade is CERTAINLY not the problem.
Christian contemporary music, though I dislike MOST of it, is not the problem.
The problem with this nation is not the homosexuals or the liberals and democrats- it is YOU. Judgment begins at the house of God. YOU are the problem.
Fundamentalists in that era became weird isolationists, almost cultic in nature failing miserably in the fulfillment of the great commission.
Academics in that area became theologically liberal.
And the few who did not go to either extreme did tremendously well with what they had. W. A. Criswell, Adrian Rogers, D. James Kennedy and others CONDEMNED their "Christian" generation and rightly so- because those few had to carry the torch to us with little help from MOST of the Christian adults of their era.
Now it is time for you to admit your failure, humble yourselves and be willing to acknowledge that the ideals you promoted should rapidly be replaced with fresh biblical ideas.
When we younger folks hear you talk about Still Standing for the Old Paths, we cringe. Because we know that you know very little about the Old Paths. What you mean by Old Paths is what you liked when you were a kid.
You are not trying to preserve the Old Biblical Paths- you are trying to preserve a culture THAT LOST THIS NATION.
Stop. Let it die. It needs to. Pass the torch that you have let dwindle to a faint flicker before it goes out altogether.
The way you did church FAILED.
Now that does not apply to EVERY SINGLE church and Christian of that generation, but it does apply to the generation by and large.
It's time for you to take responsibility and to pass the torch and let the younger generation get started cleaning up the mess you left us.
I know that's going to make some of you angry, but it may be the fact that you GET angry over this rebuke that is INDICATIVE of the problem within you that CAUSED you to be the failure you have been.
You inherited a largely Christian nation and you left to us a largely APOSTATE nation.
You failed. Admit it and get out of our way.
Calvinism's resurgence in the last decade is CERTAINLY not the problem.
Christian contemporary music, though I dislike MOST of it, is not the problem.
The problem with this nation is not the homosexuals or the liberals and democrats- it is YOU. Judgment begins at the house of God. YOU are the problem.
Fundamentalists in that era became weird isolationists, almost cultic in nature failing miserably in the fulfillment of the great commission.
Academics in that area became theologically liberal.
And the few who did not go to either extreme did tremendously well with what they had. W. A. Criswell, Adrian Rogers, D. James Kennedy and others CONDEMNED their "Christian" generation and rightly so- because those few had to carry the torch to us with little help from MOST of the Christian adults of their era.
Now it is time for you to admit your failure, humble yourselves and be willing to acknowledge that the ideals you promoted should rapidly be replaced with fresh biblical ideas.
When we younger folks hear you talk about Still Standing for the Old Paths, we cringe. Because we know that you know very little about the Old Paths. What you mean by Old Paths is what you liked when you were a kid.
You are not trying to preserve the Old Biblical Paths- you are trying to preserve a culture THAT LOST THIS NATION.
Stop. Let it die. It needs to. Pass the torch that you have let dwindle to a faint flicker before it goes out altogether.