Okay, Luke. I will take you point by point.
I should? Why? Did I miss the memo?
Do you require a memo to do anything?
Conservatives were largely isolationists who did not engage culture and became almost monastic.
Liberals were... well... liberal.
Then, when some moved away from isolationism man-centeredness became the damnable characteristic. Still there are those backward isolationist type churches that glorify the music and culture of the period that lost this nation. Many of them are IFB.
I still have no idea what you are referring to. I am still stuck on the "doing church" part. The part that my Baby Boomer generation apparently got wrong.
Hopefully it is clear to you now.
Mess? What mess are you referring to? Details, please.
Now, I think this is a silly, silly question.
I could not have been clearer. There are not words in mortal tongue that could have been clearer.
Divorce, broken homes, children raised without their fathers in the home, declining church numbers, AIDS, godlessness and atheism rampant in our schools, abortion, etc...
Is this not a mess to you??
Do you not know that these things exploded in the 60's and 70's??
It is your your accusation without details that is upsetting me.
Do I need to cite sources to prove to you that water is wet???
Do you really need that?
Really? You mean the pre-Baby Boomer America was largely Christian? I am sure you are serious about this, so I am sure you have empirical data to back up your claim. Do share.
The generation that was adult well before the 60's and 70's did have prayer in schools and the Bible was a school text book and abortion was illegal and AIDS was not an epidemic and drugs, yes, include alcohol if you wish, did not COMPARE to that of the 60s and 70s.
I thought everybody knew that.
I did not realize I was speaking to someone that uninformed.
Yes, I could go back and do the citing, but most of us know this is not necessary.
Most of us are very familiar with the year 1963 when sanctioned prayer was taken out of our schools.
Most of us are very familiar with what happened in 1973.
But if you still require education about these things, yes, I will do the research work for you. Just let me know.
Failed? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Then you prefer Great Awakening?
Or do you prefer "extraordinary success of Christianity in the culture during the 60's and 70's"?
As a Calvinist I am interested in knowing what it is my soteriology is not the problem of. You still have not told me.
It is resurging in our culture TODAY. Most folks recognize that it waned greatly in this culture during the middle of the last century.
Therefore, Arminians cannot justify the witch hunt, especially prevalent in the SBC, that they have launched against Calvinists. It was not Calvinists who lost this nation.
Calvinists largely founded this nation. But this nation became a moral cesspool in the last century under largely Arminian reign.
Great. I do not listen to much CCM. I am glad to know it is not the problem. But what is it not the problem of?
It is not what has caused the church to lose this nation. I don't like it. But it is not even part of the problem because this nation was largely lost during the days of Southern Gospel styled convention music in churches.
I am the problem? *sniff* *sniff* Yep. I took a bath. What is it that I did wrong, or am I one of those exceptions you mentioned. If I am, that is great news. I STILL have no idea what it is I have not done.
I don't know you from Adam. I don;t know how old you are. But I also think it is pretty obvious that I am talking about a generation as a whole- not any specific individual.
Where are those examples? You know, the hard data to support your claim.
Let me know if I need to do the research for you. I will.
You are a few decades too late. John Murray left Princeton Seminary decades before the Baby Boomer generation because it went liberal.
You must have forgot those quotes from the men you mentioned.
I'm not writing a research paper. I am pointing out things that I thought most people already knew and did not need them cited.
You did not know that Adrian Rogers said, for example, that he estimated that 85% of SBC church members were unconverted??
I thought everybody on baptistboard would know that.
Which old paths (Proverbs 22:28 )?
Take, for example, Gregory's statement in a previous thread that he preferred the "old hymns of the faith.... like 'I'd Rather Have Jesus'"
He thinks the old faith is the faith that existed in the 50's, 60's and 70's. Any one who has ever been to an "old fashioned camp meeting" like I grew up going to has heard countless morons talk about the "old paths" in reference to the way the church was in the days of their youth.
I contend that that is the LAST place we need to get back to because it was during those years that we lost our culture.
What culture are we trying to preserve?
I'm not trying to preserve it- I am trying to conquer it with the Gospel of Christ.
We certainly did not gain ground in the 60's and 70's. We lost it- tremendously.
Let what die? You have not told us anything yet.
The mentalities that the church had that caused the church to lose this nation.