Bolded mine
PL, you are asking that leopards change their spots!
This board, and particularly any questioning of this POTUS, has proved that libs are incapable of ever admitting that their hero is any less than super-hero; perfectly capable of the very feats you mentioned in the quote.
This is why we will never, NEVER get this country back on track by any hint of compromise with the left. They will never argue the real problems - just deflect so as to draw the rest of us off topic so their facade will remain intact to the dumbed/numbed down masses.
And since we now have a society that is so heavily latched onto the government teat, and the "teat" enablers are in power, nothing, repeat, NOTHING, (excepting the mercy of God) will be able to ever get us back on track before we become the liberal's HOLY GRAIL -- Socialist America, just like most of Europe.
Notice there are a few on here who admit to that goal!!!