We can do this Biblicist....but, you won't like it.
You gave your opinion but you gave no evidence to support your oppinion
True....I haven't provided evidence yet, we're not even on the same page to where I can.
or to prove my assertion was wrong!
True again....I have not sought to "disprove" your assertions much at all.
and you simply ignore it and throw out your unfounded opinion!
I haven't "ignored" it....no one has....you are so VERY committed to the perfect air-tight perfection of EVERYTHING you say that you honestly can't distinguish the difference between someone who understands your ideas, and one who hangs on your
EVERY WORD. Seriously...your own respect for your own ideas are actually
THAT narcissistic....
I'm arrogant...
PROBLEMATICALLY ARROGANT.......(Bob appears to suffer a bit too, and I bet he'd admit it)....but, I've literally never known
ANYONE so convinced of their own perfection as you. And it utterly clouds your capacity to follow a thread.
Let me break this down in baby steps for you:
This is your arrogance speaking, and it betrays frankly...your sanity....it's not that we don't "
GET"....how ingenious you are....it's that we are fully aware of the quality of your arguments, and find them wanting....they've been "weighed in the balance" and they've been found wanting.
They aren't too perfectly nuanced that we're too stupid to get them....you just don't have the skill-set to convince us of how brilliant your arguments are.
Accept that, it's quite liberating. Happens to me all the time. ALL of my arguments are impenetrably
perfect and brilliant and spot-on......but, inexplicably....I'm apparently not good enough to convince everyone how perfect they are.....It's a blow to my
hubris, yes, but I have to deal with it. You would profit from learning the same thing.<---and I am possessed of that same hubris in truck-loads....but since it takes one to know one, you make
ME feel humble. That's hard to do.
1. Is verse 45a a quotation of the Old Testament? yes or no?
2. Does this quotation speak explicitly about what God does? Yes or no?
3. What aspect in verse 44 refers to what God does? "draw" or "come"?
4. Isn't coming to Christ the consequence of what God first does which only God can do? Yes or no?
By way of clarification:
Do you mean that it's a "necessary" consequence or a "sufficient" one?....or possibly
Because "necessary" I'll affirm...."sufficient" no....and therefore not BOTH.
You are trying to force us to assume one view (as you do)....but, you haven't convincingly made your case...You seriously can't see that though...because you can't FATHOM how it is even POSSIBLE that a human possessed of even marginal intelligence couldn't read what you've written and fall on their knees in submission to every word
THE Biblicist now speaks.
Yes, it's hard to accept....but, you are un-convincing.
It is obvious that the scripture quotation is called upon and used by Christ to affirm what God does in verse 44 rather than what men do as a way of consequence to what God does.
BOTH....it's not "either-or" you assume that.
Yes, it is....so I can't fathom why you appear to be getting so worked-up about God's perfectly Sovereign decision NOT to grant us the understanding that you already have about this issue.
The Holy Spirit will work on us in his
OWN TIME....No reason for you to get frustrated that he hasn't followed
your plan for when (or even if) he reveals these greater truths to us.
Who art thou oh man to reply against God?? :laugh: