As much as some do not like it, society requires give and take. For example, people in an outlying rural section of a county, pay the same property taxes as everyone else. So the big overpasses and 4 lane highways, are paid for by them, even though they might never use them. This does not mean the yuppies who drive that highway everyday are stealing from the rural people.
Likewise, the public school system. (Although I do not personally believe the government should be at all involved in the school system). I have paid approximately 40,000 dollars in property taxes over the last 14 years. 90 percent of that money, went to pay for schools that my children will never use.
Social Security, same thing. I have paid in about 80,000 dollars in on Social Security, to fund other peoples retirement over the last 15 years(although, again, I do not believe the government should be involved in the retirement fund business either). Medicare, same thing. I have paid in enough medicare taxes, to BUY insurance for me and my children for the next 5 years, if the government wants to give it back.
For those who do not support the war overseas (I Do support it: think it is terribly important), why are their tax dollars being "stolen" to support something they do not believe in?
The fact is, the only reason the lower class cannot pay for their own medical insurance, is because so much of their money is being taken already. Here in Texas, we have a sales tax, in addition to other taxes like property tax. A poor family making only 20k dollars a year, who owns a moderate 1 bedroom house, and only one car, can expect to pay about 1/4 of their income in taxes, even though they are not paying "federal" taxes. Most of that, is for things the government should not be involved in.
Understand that I am not arguing for my own sake. I have noticed several posters point at me, as if this is something I want for myself. I do not: I trust in the Lord, and I am fine. However, I have seen some very good, hardworking families go through hardships because of lack of Medical coverage. And until the government stops wasting 1/4 of their money on things like public schools (which they will NEVER do) something needs to be done to provide for them. If your child takes advantage of a public school, paid for by these peoples taxes, (many who do not have children, or who do not attend public school), or if you drive on those big fancy overpasses (paid for in large part by rural ranchers and large property owners who rarely, if ever, use them) you have no right to complain when they want their life saved by YOUR tax dollars...